• 姓名: 李新虎
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 研究员
  • 职务: 阿克苏农田生态系统国家野外科学观测研究站副站长
  • 学历: 博士
  • 电话: 
  • 传真: 
  • 电子邮件: lixinhu@ms.xjb.ac.cn
  • 所属部门: 
  • 通讯地址: 乌鲁木齐市北京南路818号

    简  历:

  • 教育经历:










  • 土壤水文;土壤盐渍化


  • 1. 土壤盐结皮物理特征的差异化机理及其对蒸发的影响,国家自然科学基金面上项目,42277314,直接经费:53万,起止时间:2023-2026 ,主持

    2. 塔里木河干流区土壤孔隙特征对盐分结晶模式的作用机理,国家自然科学基金面上项目,41977013,直接经费:61万, 起止时间:2020-2023 ,主持

    3. 塔里木河干流土壤盐结皮与河水漫溢的相互作用过程及其机理,国自然科学基金面上项目,41571035,直接经费:68万,起止时间:2016-2019,主持

    4. 生态闸控制漫溢对塔里木河干流荒漠河岸水分运动转化的影响机理,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目,41201040, 经费:26万元,起止时间:2013-2015,主持

    5. 土壤盐结皮的垂向演化与水分传输过程的互馈作用机制,新疆天山英才-青年科技拔尖人才项目,经费:150 万,起止时间:2023-2025,主持

    6. 塔里木河干流土壤盐分结晶的动态演化过程及其对蒸发的作用机理,中国科学院西部之光项目-西部青年学者,经费:50万,起止时间:2021-2023,主持

    7. 中国科学院青年促进会才培养计划项目,Y233041015,经费:80万,起止时间:2017-2020,主持

    8. 塔里木河干流生态闸控制漫溢下的径流入渗机理,中国科学院西部之光-西部博士,XBBS201207, 经费:40 万元,起止时间:2013-2015,主持

     9. 新疆第三期天山英才工程人才培养计划,经费:15万,起止时间:2021-2023,主持

    10. 绿洲盐渍化土壤的水、盐、热量传输过程及其环境效应,中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所前沿部署项目(子课题),经费:65万,起止时间:2023-2025,主持


  •  1. Xinhu Li*,Hongchao Wang. Effect of salt crust on the soil temperature of wet sandy soils. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology. 2025,362:110346

    2. Xinhu Li*,Gary Feng,Haile Tewolde,Ardeshir Adeli,Johnie N. Jenkins. Critical soil organic carbon for improving available water content of silt loam soils. Soil Use and Management. 2024,40: e13144.

    3. Xinhu Li*,Min Guo, Hongchao Wang. Impact of soil texture and salt type on salt precipitation and evaporation under different hydraulic conditions. Hydrological Processes. 2022,36: e14763.

    4. Xinhu Li*,Min Guo. Experimental Study of Evaporation Flux, Salt Precipitation, and Surface Temperature on Homogeneous and Heterogeneous Porous Media. Advance in Civil Engineering, 2022, 7434471.

    5. Xinhu Li*,Fengzhi Shi. Effects of evolving salt precipitation on the evaporation and temperature of sandy soil with a fixed groundwater table. Vadose Zone Journal, 2021, 20:   e20122.

    6. Xinhu Li*, Fengzhi Shi. Salt precipitation and evaporative flux on sandy soil with saline groundwater under different evaporation demand conditions. Soil Research, 2021, 60(2) 187-196.

    7. Xinhu. Li,Gary. Feng, B. Sharratt.  Soil organic carbon within the vadose zone of a floodplain. Environmental Earth Sciences,2018,77:247

    8. Xinhu Li, Gary Feng, Chengyi Zhao, Fengzhi Shi. Characteristics of soil infiltration in the Tarim River floodplain. Environment Earth Science ,2016,75:782

    9. Xinhu Li, Gary Feng, Breton. Sharratt, Zehao. Zheng. Aerodynamic properties of agricultural and natural surfaces in northwestern Tarim Basin. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2015,204 :37–45

    10. Xinhu Li*, Jie Yang, Chengyi Zhao, Bin. Wang. Runoff and sediment from orchard terraces in southern China. Land degradation & development, 2014, 25(2): 184–192

    11. Xinhu Li, Guanglong Feng, Brenton,S.Sharratt, Zehao Zheng, Huawei Pi, Fei Gao. Soil Wind Erodibility Based on Dry Aggregate-Size Distribution in the Tarim Basin Aggregate-Size Distribution in the Tarim Basin. Soil Science Society of America Journal,2014, 78(6):2009–2016

    12. Xinhu Li*, Jie Yang, Chengyi. Zhao. Effect of agroforestry and time on soil and water conservation of sloping red soil in southeastern China. Journal of soil and water conservation,2014,69(2):131-139

    13. Xinhu Li, Guanglong Feng, Chengyi Zhao, and Zehao Zheng. Fine-Particle Emission Potential From Overflowing Areas of the Tarim River. 2013, 178(10):556-567

    14. XinHu Li,ChengYi Zhao,  Bin Wang, Garry, Feng. Regional partitioning of agricultural non-point source pollution in China using a projection pursuit cluster model,Journal of arid land,2011,3(4):278-284

    15. Hongchao Wang,Xinhu Li*,Jialin Li,Mengmeng Cui,Xiaoxiao Ren,Haodong Jin. Impact of salt precipitation on evaporation resistance under different soil textures. Environmental Earth Sciences ,2025, 84:12

    16.  Hongchao Wang,Xinhu Li*,Min Guo1, Jialin Li. Effect of salt types on salt precipitation and water transport in saline sandy soil. Hydrological Processes. 2024,38:e15123.

    17. Guohua Zhang, Xinhu Li*. Estimate Cotton Water Consumption from Shallow Groundwater under Different Irrigation Schedules. Agronomy. 2022, 12, 213.

    18. 王弘超,李新虎*,郭 敏,李佳琳. 盐结皮土壤形成发育过程影响下的能量平衡动态变化. 干旱区地理,2024,47(3):424-432

    19. 唐洋, 李新虎*, 郭敏, 王弘超. 不同初始盐分浓度下土壤盐结皮的形成过程 及其对蒸发的影响机理. 干旱区地理, 2022, 45(4): 1137-1145.

    20. 郭敏, 李新虎* ,王弘超.盐 结皮厚度对土壤水盐分布特征的影响.干旱区地理, 2023, 46(8): 1303-1313.



  • 荒漠河岸植被生态水文机理与调控技术, 新疆维吾尔自治区人民政府, 科技进步二等奖, 2016