• 姓名: 艾沙江·艾力
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 副研究员
  • 职务: 
  • 学历: 博士
  • 电话: 
  • 传真: 
  • 电子邮件: aishajiang@ms.xjb.ac.cn
  • 所属部门: 
  • 通讯地址: 乌鲁木齐市北京南路818号

    简  历:

  • 艾沙江 艾力,男,1971年3月生,籍贯新疆轮台县,维吾尔族,理学博士。中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所副研究员。  


    1989.9 – 1994.7   新疆大学地理系,自然地理学,学士        

    2008.8 – 2010.6   亚洲理工学院, 自然资源学, 硕士 

                      (其间:2009.8-2009.12 美国阿肯色大学)        

    2011.08 - 2016.03  亚洲理工学院, 环境工程学, 博士  


    1994.8-至今  中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所        


  • 新疆地理学会理事(2024-2029);新疆生态学会会员;“Environmental Science and Pollution Research” , “ Ecological Indicators”, “Forests” 等二十余种国际学术期刊的专业审稿人。


  • 大气污染物扩散模式,恢复生态学


  • (1) 中国科学院西部之光项目:绿洲区沙尘暴物质来源移动路径及环境效应研究——以和田绿洲为例,项目编号:Y734341;执行时间:2018.1-2021.6;项目经费:40万元。(备注:主持,已结题,被评为优秀)。  

    (2) 自治区自然科学面上基金:极端干旱区绿洲防风固沙体系协同配置研究。项目编号:2022D01A353;执行时间:2022.12-2025.12;项目经费:10万元。(备注:主持,在研)。       

    (3) 新疆塔里木河流域管理局委托项目:车尔臣河下游跑水口封堵成效及生态水量初步分析研究;项目编号:E3410113;执行时间:2023.6-2024.12;项目经费:51.82万元。(备注:主持,在研)       

    (4) 地方任务项目:大南湖七号煤矿高含盐矿井水渍区荒漠造林;项目编号:E341010402;执行时间:2023.1-2025.12;项目经费:60万元。(备注:主持,在研)       

    (5) 国家任务/第三次新疆科考项目:阿尔泰山跨境保护地油气通道干扰考察;项目编号:E3160115;执行时间:2022.10-2025.9;项目经费:60万元。(备注:副主持,在研)       


  • 1. Aishajiang Aili, Zhang Yuguang,Lin Tao,Xu Hailiang*,Abdul Waheed,Zhang Qin. Ecological benefits of artificial vegetation restoration on local climate condition in abandoned mining area. Ecological Indicators,2024,169,112964

    2. Aishajiang Aili,Xu Hailiang*,Abdul Waheed,Fabiola Bakayisire,Xie Yingying. Synergistic windbreak efficiency of desert vegetation and oasis shelter forests. PLoS One, 2024,03112876

    3. Aishajiang Aili, Zhang Yuguang,Lin Tao,Xu Hailiang*,Abdul Waheed, Zhao Wanyu,Amannisha Kuerban,Liu Kun,Dou Haitao. Optimizing Vegetation Restoration: A Comprehensive Index System for Reclaiming Abandoned Mining Areas in Arid Regions of China. Biology, 2025,14,23

    4. Aishajiang Aili, Abdul Waheed,Zhao Xinfeng,Xu Hailiang*, Establishing an Early Warning System for Dust Storms in Peri-Desert Regions. Environments,2024,11,61

    5. Aishajiang Aili, Zhang Yuguang,Lin Tao,Xu Hailiang*,Abdul Waheed,Wang Jia,Wang Chuhan. Salinity Tolerance of Artificially Restored Vegetation under Different Irrigation Measures in Abandoned Mining Area. Agronomy, 2025,15,43

    6. Aishajiang Aili, Xu Hailiang*,Abdul Waheed,Zhao Wanyu,Xu Qiao,Zhao Xinfeng, Zhang Peng. The Dynamics of Vegetation Evapotranspiration and Its Response to Surface Meteorological Factors in the Altay Mountains,Northwest China. Sustainability ,2024,16,8608

    7. Aishajiang Aili, Xu Hailiang*,Abdul Waheed,Zhao Xinfeng, Zhang Peng. Unveiling the Benefits of Artificial Ecological Measures: Water Conveyance Improves the Water Quality of the Taitema Lake,Northwestern China. Hydrology ,2024,11,129

    8. Aishajiang Aili,Hailiang Xu*,Qiao Xu,Kun Liu. Aeolian dust movement and deposition under local atmospheric circulation in a desert-oasis transition zone of the northeastern Taklimakan desert. Ecological Indicators,157 (2023) 111289

    9. Aishajiang Aili, Hailiang Xu,* Abdul Waheed,Tao Lin,Wanyu Zhao and Xinfeng Zhao. Drought Resistance of Desert riparian Forests: Vegetation Growth Index and Leaf Physiological Index Approach. Sustainability,2024,16,532

    10. Aishajiang Aili, Hailiang Xu,* Xinfeng Zhao,Peng Zhang,Yuqiang Yang. Dynamics of vegetation productivity in relation to surface meteorological factors in Altay Mountain,Northwest China. Forests,2022,13,1907

    11. Aishajiang Aili, Hailiang Xu,* Xinfeng Zhao. Health Effects of Dust Storms on the South Edge of the Taklimakan Desert,China: A Survey-Based Approach. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022,19,4022

    12. Aishajiang Aili, Xu Hailiang*,Liu Xinghong,Zeshaan Ahmed,Li Li: Dynamics of dust storm and its response to meteorological conditions and anthropogenic impact in South edge of Taklimakan desert,China. MAUSAM, 2021, 72,619 - 626

    13. Aishajiang Aili,Jilili Abuduwaili,Hailiang Xu *,Xinfeng Zhao,Xinghong Liu: A Cluster Analysis of forward trajectory to identify the transport pathway of salt-dust Particles from dried bottom of Aral Sea,Central Asia. Atmosphere, 2021, 12,764

    14. Aishajiang Aili, Hailiang Xu,*,Tursun Kasim,Abudumijiti Abulikemu: Origin and transport pathway of dust storm and its contribution to particulate air pollution in northeast edge of Taklimakan desert,China. Atmosphere, 2021,12,113

    15. Aishajiang Aili, Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh,Jilili Abuduwaili: Variation trends of dust storms in relation to meteorological factors and anthropogenic impacts in the northeast edge of Taklimakan desert,Xinjiang,China. Open Journal of Air Pollution, 2016 (5),127-143.

    16. Aishajiang Aili,Nguyen Thi Kim Oanh*:Efects of dust storm on public health in desert fringe areas: case study of the Northeast edge of Taklimakan desert,China. Atmospheric Pollution Research, 2015 (6),834 – 845.

    17. Abdul Waheed,Qin Zhang,Hailiang Xu,Haitao Dou,Murad Muhammad, Aishajiang Aili,* (Correspondence),Mohammed O Alshaharni. Mitigation of cadmium stress by salicylic acid: Physiological and biochemical responses in NM-2006,NM-92,and Mash-88 mung bean varieties. Journal of Hazardous Materials,485 (2025) 136878.

    18. Abdul Waheed,Hailiang Xu,Xu Qiao,Aishajiang Aili* (Correspondence),Yeernazhaer Yiremaikebayi,Dou Haitao,Murad Muhammad. Biochar in sustainable agriculture and Climate Mitigation: Mechanisms,challenges,and applications in the circular bioeconomy. Biomass and Bioenergy, 193 (2025) 107531

    19. Abdul Waheed,Lu Zhuo,Minghui Wang,Xu Hailiang,Zewen Tong,Cuhan Wang,Aishajiang Aili* (Correspondence). Integrative mechanisms of plant salt tolerance: Biological pathways,phytohormonal regulation,and technological innovations. Plant Stress,14 (2024) 100652

    20. Xinfeng Zhao,Hailiang Xu*,Aishajiang Aili* (Correspondence),Qin Zhang,Kun Liu. Whether the ecological benefits will continue to increase as usual and improve under the background of continuous ecological water delivery?—Taking the Lower Tarim River in China as an example. Ecological Indicators, 159 (2024) 111733

    21. Hailiang Xu,Fujun Xu,Tao Lin,Qiao Xu,Pujia Yu,Chuhan Wang,Aishajiang Aili * (Correspondence),Xinfeng Zhao,Wanyu Zhao,Peng Zhang,Yongqiang Yang,Kaiye Yuan. A systematic review and comprehensive analysis on ecological restoration of mining areas in the arid region of China: Challenge,capability and reconsideration. Ecological Indicators 154 (2023) 110630.

    22. Qiao Xu,Hailiang Xu,Yan Wei and Aishajiang Aili,(Correspondence)*. Restoration Effects of Supplementary Planting Measures on the Abandoned Mining Areas in the Altay Mountain,Northwest China. Sustainability 2023,15,14974

    23. Qiao Xu,Guozhu Xia,Yan Wei,Aishajiang Aili,(Correspondence)*and Kaiye Yuan. Responses of Vegetation and Soil to Artificial Restoration Measures in Abandoned Gold Mining Areas in Altai Mountain,Northwest China. Diversity 2022,14,427

    24. Huiling Wang,Tursun Kasim, Aishajiang Aili (Correspondence): Responses of Sediment Properties to Paleoclimatic Changes since the Holocene in Ancient Milan River Channel,Northwest China. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies, 2021,30(6), 5801-5810.

    25. 艾沙江·艾力,徐至远,徐海量*,木合塔尔·吾提库尔,麦麦提艾力·麦麦提敏. 基于轨迹模型的和田绿洲沙尘移动轨迹及气象特征分析. 环 境 工 程 技 术 学 报,2022,12(4):1007-1014

    26. 艾沙江·艾力、梁菲菲、徐海量、穆合塔尔·吾提库尔、麦麦提艾力·买买提依明:和田绿洲沙尘暴物质输送路径及其对大气环境质量的影响,环境科学学报,2020, 42(4)257-266

    27. 艾沙江·艾力、梁菲菲、徐海量、穆合塔尔·吾提库尔、麦麦提艾力·买买提依明:和田绿洲沙尘暴强度及其影响因子分析,环境污染与防治,2020(42)1128-1131

    28. 艾沙江·艾力、徐海量、苑塏烨:基于主成分分析法和监测数据的阿尔泰山采金废弃矿区人工恢复措施效益分析,干旱区地理 2019(2),288-294

    29. 艾沙江·艾力、吉力力·阿布都外力、卡哈尔·牙生、 安尼瓦尔·阿布都热依木:LUCC 和气象因子变化对沙漠边缘地区沙尘暴格局的影响,干旱区研究,2016(35),207-219

    30. 艾沙江·艾力、吉力力·阿布都外力、卡哈尔·牙生:塔克拉玛干沙漠东北边缘地区沙尘暴来源及移动轨迹分析,干旱区研究,2016(2),89-97.

    31. 艾沙江·艾力、吉力力·阿布都外力、卡哈尔·牙生:基于PSCF 和k-means聚散分析的沙尘暴对大气环境的影响,干旱区地理,2016(4),241-249

    32. 艾沙江·艾力,瓦尔斯江·阿不力孜:新疆贫困地区经济发展因素综合分析,经济地理,2007(3),404-409.

    33. 艾沙江·艾力、阿不力克木·阿西木、热合木都拉·阿迪拉:新疆土地利用型荒漠化及其防治,国土与自然资源研究,2002(1),26-27.

    34. 艾克热木 · 阿布拉,董宗炜,艾沙江.艾力(通讯作者),赵新风. 和田河下游植被分布及生理指标对水分条件的响应. 林业与环境科学, 2022,38(5)0077-0088



  • 1.驻村工作先进个人,2017年12月
