• 姓名: 买文选
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 副研究员
  • 职务: 办公室主任
  • 学历: 博士
  • 电话: 0991-7823189
  • 传真: 
  • 电子邮件: maiwx@ms.xjb.ac.cn
  • 所属部门: 
  • 通讯地址: 乌鲁木齐市北京南路818号

    简  历:

  • 买文选,男,理学博士,出生于1982年,甘肃岷县人。










  • 农田养分管理 



  • 1) Wenxuan Mai, Rong Yang, Gu Feng, Changyan Tian. Can optimization of phosphorus input lead to high productivity and high phosphorus use efficiency of cotton through maximization of root/mycorrhizal efficiency in phosphorus acquisition ? Field Crops Research, 2018, 216: 100–108.

    2) XiangRong Xue, WenXuan Mai, ZhenYong Zhao, Ke Zhang, ChangYan Tian. Optimized nitrogen fertilizer application enhances absorption of soil nitrogen and yield of castor with drip irrigation under mulch film. Industrial Crops and Products. 2017, 95: 156–162 (Corresponding author). 

    3) Wenxuan Mai, Xiangrong Xue, Gu Feng, Changyan Tian. Simultaneously maximizing root/mycorrhizal growth and phosphorus uptake by cotton plants by optimizing water and phosphorus management. BMC Plant Biology, 2018, 18: 334. DOI. org/10.1186/s12870-018-1550-8. 

    4) Wenxuan Mai, Xiangrong Xue, Gu Feng, Rong Yang, Changyan Tian. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi – 15-Fold enlargement of the soil volume of cotton roots for phosphorus uptake in intensive planting conditions. European Journal of Soil Biology, 2019, 90: 31-35. 

    5) WenXuan Mai, ChangYan Tian, ChunJian Li. Localized salt accumulation: the main reason for cotton root length decrease during advanced growth stages under drip irrigation under mulch film in a saline. Journal of Arid Land, 2014, 6(3): 361-370. 

    6) WenXuan Mai, XiaoHong TIAN, Willam Jeffery GALE, XiWen YANG, XinChun LU. Tolerance to Zn deficiency and P-Zn interaction in wheat seedlings cultured in chelator-buffered solutions. Journal of Arid Land, 2011, 3(3): 206-213. 

    7) WenXuan Mai, ChangYan Tian, ChunJian Li. Soil salinity dynamics under drip irrigation under mulch film and their effects on cotton root length. Communications in Soil Science and Plant Analysis, 2013, 44(9): 1489-1502.



  • 1) 2019年第九届新疆青年科技奖

    2) 2018年新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学优秀学术论文一等奖(排名第一)