张波,字泊恒,男,理学博士,出生于1985年,新疆吉木萨尔县人。新疆大学、石河子大学、新疆农业大学硕士生导师。民盟新疆科技工作委员会委员、民盟新疆区委会参政议政专家库成员。主要从事极端干旱区荒漠植物响应全球变化的研究。入选中国科学院青年创新促进会会员、新疆天山英才、乌鲁木齐市红山科创专家服务团首批成员、新疆青少年科普教育专家。担任国际期刊Frontiers in Plant Science副主编、Heliyon编委、Journal of Plant Ecology青年编委、《生态学杂志》青年编委、英国生态学会基金评阅人。
担任第二十三届中国生态学大会-荒漠生态系统结构、功能、过程和稳定性专题召集人,第十六届中国林业青年学术年会-分会场21: 荒漠化防治召集人,第一届青年生态学论坛-荒漠生态学专题召集人,干旱区生态和地理青年学者论坛执行秘书长。
2003年9月-2007年6月 河北农业大学农业资源与环境专业 农学学士
2007年9月-2010年6月 石河子大学植物营养学专业 农学硕士
2013年9月-2018年6月 中国科学院大学生态学专业 理学博士
2010年8月- 2012年12月 新疆农业科学院 研究实习员
2013年1月- 2015年11月 中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所 研究实习员
2015年12月–2022年11月 中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所 助理研究员
2022年12月–至今 中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所 副研究员
2022年2月-至今,Frontiers in Plant Science Associate Editor
2022年5月-至今, Heliyon Advisory Board
2023年11月-至今,Journal of Plant Ecology 青年编委
2023年9月-至今, 生态学杂志 青年编委
2023年6月-至今, British Ecological Society Review College Membership
1. 中国科学院“西部之光”青年学者“降雨和氮磷沉降增加对塔克拉玛干沙漠荒漠植物群落结构的影响机制”。经费:100万元。执行期:2025年-2027年。项目主持人。
2. 国家重点研发计划政府间国际科技创新合作项目“中埃荒漠生态系统生产力对极端干旱的响应机制研究”。经费:200万元。执行期:2024年-2026年。项目第二主持人。
3. 国家重点研发计划专题(2022YFF1302505-03)“塔里木盆地防护林体系生态质量与防沙治沙功能精准提升的近自然营建技术研究与示范”。经费:83万元。执行期:2022年-2025年。项目主持人。
4. 中国科学院人才项目(E2190102) “骆驼刺分子生物学基础和补偿性机制研究”。经费:100万元。执行期:2022-2024年。项目第二主持人。
5. 中国科学院青年创新促进会项目(2020435)。经费:80万元。执行期:2020-2023年。项目主持人。
6. 新疆维吾尔自治区天山英才计划第三期培养人选。经费:15万元。执行期:2021-2023年。项目主持人。
7. 中国科学院“西部之光”青年学者B类项目(2018-XBQNXZ-B-018)“和田绿洲-荒漠过渡带骆驼刺和花花柴生长对氮沉降的响应”。经费40万。执行期:2019–2021 年。项目主持人。
8. 国家自然基金青年科学基金项目(31500367)“干旱区深根植物骆驼刺养分利用对潜水埋深条件的响应”。经费23万元。执行期: 2016–2018 年。项目主持人。
9. 中国科学院科技服务网络计划(STS计划)(KFJ-SW-STS-176)“循环经济型村农牧民增收的技术模式研究与示范”。经费150万元。执行期:2015–2017 年。项目第二主持人。
1. Tang GL,Li XY,Zeng FJ,Ma JN,Guan PY*, Zhang B*. 2024. Exploring the Genetic Basis of Drought Tolerance in Alhagi camelorum: A Comprehensive Transcriptome Study of Osmotic Stress Adaptations. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 25: 12725.
2. Yu YC,Pan JX,Wu HH,Zhu JT,Zong Ning,An H, Wang CH,Zuo XA,Wei CZ,Zhang FW,Liu S,Liu JL, Diao HJ,Zhang B,Yu Q*,Zhang XY*. 2024. Factors controlling the contributions of bacterial and fungal residue carbon to soil organic carbon in grassland ecosystems. Catena. 241:108006.
3. Shareef M,Zeng FJ,Gui DW,Ahmed Z,Waqas M, Iqbal H,Zhang B,Waseem M. 2024. Recovery Efficacy of Differentially Applied Nitrogen Regulates the Metabolism Coupled Physiological Phenotyping of Cotton on Leaching Prone Sandy Soil of Desert. Journal of Soil Science and Plant Nutrition. Doi: 10.1007/s42729-024-02089-x.
4. Zhang ZH,Tang GL,Chai XT,Liu B,Gao XP,Zeng FJ,Wang Y,Zhang B*. Different Responses of Soil Bacterial and Fungal Communities in Three Typical Vegetations following Nitrogen Deposition in an Arid Desert. Microorganisms. 2023,doi: 10.3390/microorganisms11102471.
5. Zhang ZH,Chai XT,Zhang B,Lu Y,Gao YJ,Zhang B,Tariq A,Li XY,Zeng FJ. Potential role of root-associated bacterial communities in adjustments of desert plant physiology to osmotic stress. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2023,doi: 10.1016/j.plaphy.2023.108124.
6. Zhang YL,Du Y,Guo ZC,Chai XT,Zhang B,Tariq A,Zhang ZH,Zeng FJ. Intraspecific trait variation and coordination of leaf economics spectrum in elaeagnus angustifolia across three basins in Central Asia. Plant Ecology. 2023. 224: 325–334.
7. Zhang B,Zeng FJ,Gao XJ,Shareef M,Zhang ZH,Yu Q,Gao YJ,Li CJ,Yin H,Lu Y,Huang CB,Tang GL. Groundwater depth alters soil nutrient concentrations in different environments in an arid desert. Frontiers in Environmental Science. 2022,doi: 10.3389/fenvs.2022.939382.
8. Zhang ZH,Chai XT,Gao YJ,Zhang B,Lu Y, Huang CB,Li L,Tariq A,Li XY,Zeng FJ. Dynamics in diversity,co-occurrence pattern,and community assembly of a perennial desert plant root-associated bacteria. Rhizosphere. 2022,doi: 10.1016/j.rhisph.2022.100526.
9. Zhang ZH,Chai XT,Gao YJ,Zhang B,Lu Y, Du Y,Zhang YL,Ding Y,Tariq A,Ullah A,,Li XY,Zeng FJ. Alhagi sparsifolia Harbors a Different Root‐Associated Mycobiome during Different Development Stages. Microorganisms 2022,doi: 10.3390/microorganisms10122376.
10. Gao YJ,Zhang ZH,Zhang B,Yin H, Chai XT,Xu MQ,Tariq A,Zeng FJ. Foliar P-Fractions Allocation of Karelinia caspia and Tamarix ramosissima Are Driven by Soil and Groundwater Properties in a Hyper-Arid Desert Ecosystem. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2022,doi: 10.3389/fpls.2022.833869.
11. Zhang B,Tang GL,Yin H,Zhao SL, Shareef M,Liu B,Gao XP, Zeng FJ. Groundwater Depths Affect Phosphorus and Potassium Resorption but Not Their Utilization in a Desert Phreatophyte in Its Hyper-Arid Environment. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021,doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.665168.
12. Zhang B,Tang GL,Luo HL,Yin H,Zhang ZH,Xue J,Huang CB,Lu Y,Shareef M,Gao XP,Zeng FJ. Topsoil Nutrients Drive Leaf Carbon and Nitrogen Concentrations of a Desert Phreatophyte in Habitats with Different Shallow Groundwater Depths. Water. 2021,13,3093, doi:10.3390/w13213093.
13. Huang CB Zeng FJ, Zhang B,Zhang SM. Water Supply Increases N Acquisition and N Resorption from Old Branches in the Leafless Shrub Calligonum caput-medusae at the Taklimakan Desert Margin. Water. 2021,13,3288,doi:10.3390/w13223288.
14. Lu Y, Zhang B, Li L,Zeng FJ,Li XY. Negative effects of long-term exposure to salinity,drought,and combined stresses on halophyte Halogeton glomeratus. Physiologia Plantarum,2021,173:2307–2322.
15. Lu Y,Zeng FJ,Li XY, Zhang B. Physiological changes of three woody plants exposed to progressive salt stress. Photosynthetica,2021,59: 171–184.
16. Yin H,Zheng HW, Zhang B,Tariq A, Lv GH,Zeng FJ,Graciano C. Stoichiometry of C:N:P in the Roots of Alhagi sparsifolia Is More Sensitive to Soil Nutrients Than Aboveground Organs. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2021,12:698961,doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.698961.
17. Yin H,Tariq A,Zhang B,Lv GH,Zeng FJ,Graciano C. Santos M,Zhang ZH,Wang P. Mu S.Y. Coupling Relationship of Leaf Economic and Hydraulic Traits of Alhagi sparsifolia Shap. in a Hyper-Arid Desert Ecosystem. Plants,2021,10:1867,doi:10.3390/plants10091867.
18. Zhang ZH,Tariq A,Zeng FJ,Graciano C,Zhang B. Nitrogen application mitigates drought-induced metabolic changes in Alhagi sparsifolia seedlings by regulating nutrient and biomass allocation patterns. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2020,155: 828–841.
19. Tang GL,Guo ZC,Zhang B,Li XY,Zeng FJ. Long-term clipping causes carbohydrate accumulation and induced transition of Alhagi sparsifolia from herbs to shrubs. Functional Plant Biology,2019, 46: 967–985.
20. Shareef M,Gui DW,Zeng FJ,Waqas M, Zhang B,Iqbal H,Xue J. Nitrogen leaching,recovery efficiency,and cotton productivity assessments on desert-sandy soil under various application methods. Agricultural Water Management,2019,223: 1–9.
21. Shareef M,Zeng FJ,Gui DW,Waqas M, Zhang B,Iqbal H. Water productivity,growth,and physiological assessment of deficit irrigated cotton on hyperarid desert-oases in northwest China. Agricultural Water Management,2018,206: 1–10.
22. Zhang B,Gao XP,Li L,Lu Y,Shareef M,Huang CB,Liu GJ,Gui DW,Zeng FJ. Groundwater depth affects phosphorus but not carbon and nitrogen concentrations of a desert phreatophyte in northwest China. Frontiers in Plant Science,2018,doi: 10.3389/fpls.2018.00338.
23. Zhang B,Gui DW,Gao XP,Shareef M,Li L,Zeng FJ. Controlling soil factor in plant growth and salt tolerance of leguminous plant Alhagi sparsifolia Shap. in saline deserts,northwest China. Contemporary Problems of Ecology,2018,11: 111–121.
24. Shareef M,Zeng FJ,Gui DW,Waqas M,Zhang B. Fiaz M. Drought Induced Interactive Changes in Physiological and Biochemical Attributes of Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). International Journal of Agriculture and Biology,2018,20: 539‒546.
25. Shareef M,Gui DW,Zeng FJ,Ahmed Z,Waqas M,Zhang B. Fiaz M. Impact of drought on assimilates partitioning associated fruiting physiognomies and yield quality attributes of desert grown cotton. Acta Physiologiae Plantarum,2018,doi: 10.1007/s11728-018-2646-3.
26. Wang Y,Chunyu WX,Jiang GQ,Huang L,Zhang B,Ji Y,Ding ZG,Yin M,Tang SK. Aidingibacillus halophilus gen. nov.,sp. nov.,a novel member of the family Bacillaceae. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek,2018,111:601–608.
27. Li L,Gao XP,Gui DW,Liu B,Zhang B,Li XY. Stoichiometry in aboveground and fne roots of Seriphidium korovinii in desert grassland in response to artifcial nitrogen addition. Journal of Plant Research,2017,130: 689–697.
28. Lu Y,Lei JQ,Zeng FJ,Zhang B,Liu GJ,Liu B. Effect of NaCl-induced changes in growth,photosynthetic characteristics,water status and enzymatic antioxidant system of Calligonum caput-medusae seedlings. Photosynthetica,2017,55: 96–106.
29. Zeng FJ,Zhang B,Lu Y,Li CJ,An GX,Liu B,Gao XP. Morpho-physiological responses of Alhagi Sparsifolia Shap. (Leguminosae) seedlings to progressive drought stress. Pakistan Journal of Botany,2016,48(2):429‒438.
30. Li CJ,Zeng FJ,Zhang B,Liu B,Guo ZC,Gao HH,Tiyip T. Optimal root system strategies for desert phreatophytic seedlings in the search for groundwater. Journal of Arid Land,2015,7(4):462–474.
31. Gui DW,Zeng FJ,liu Z,Zhang B. Characteristics of the clonal propagation of Alhagi sparsifolia Shap. (Fabaceae) under different groundwater depths in Xinjiang,China. The Rangeland Journal,2013,35: 355‒362.
32. Gui DW,Zeng FJ,liu Z,Zhang B. Root characteristics of Alhagi sparsifolia seedlings in response to water supplement in an arid region,northwestern China. Journal of Arid Land,2013,5: 542‒551.
33. Zhang B,Chu GX,Wei CZ,Ye J,Lei B,Li ZQ,Liang YC. Physiological and biochemical response of wheat seedlings to organic pollutant 1,2,4-trichlorobenzene. New Zealand Journal of Crop and Horticultural Science,2012,40: 73‒85.
34. Zhang B,Chu GX,Wei CZ,Ye J,Li ZQ,Liang YC. The growth and antioxidant defense responses of wheat seedlings to omethoate stress. Pesticide Biochemistry and Physiology,2011,100: 273‒279.
35. 张波,梁永超,褚贵新,危常州,冶军,马腾飞,李志强. 小麦幼苗对氧乐果胁迫的生理学响应. 植物营养与肥料学报,2010,16(6):1387-1397.
1. 张波,吕长亮,曾凡江,桂东伟,吕国印,李磊,黄彩变,王保得. 一种防风林的构建方法.ZL201910907964.7.
2. 张波,吕国印,曾凡江,桂东伟,吕长亮,李磊. 一种新疆内陆干旱区大棚果桑两年五熟的方法.ZL201911028493.9.
3. 曾凡江,李尝君,郭京衡,刘波,张波,穆桂金. 一种干旱荒漠区生态防护植物规模化种植的节水灌溉方法. ZL201711317661.7.
4. 刘国军,曾凡江,李向义,桂东伟,鲁艳,张波. 极端干旱区的沙区多枝柽柳直播造林方法. ZL201710604868.6.
5. 曾凡江,雷加强,穆桂金,桂东伟,张波. 干旱风沙区滴灌下绿洲外围经济林的种植方法. ZL201510754321.5.
1. 2024年11月15日-18日,第十六届中国林业青年学术年会,武汉,荒漠化防治专题召集人
2. 2024年10月25日-27日,第二十三届中国生态学大会,沈阳,荒漠生态系统结构、功能、过程和稳定性专题召集人
3. 2024年4月12日-15日,第一届青年生态学论坛,福州,荒漠生态学专题召集人
4. 2023年4月25日-28日,干旱区生态和地理青年学者论坛,乌鲁木齐,论坛执行秘书长