2003.07-2006.06 南京大学 岩石学、矿物学、矿床学 博士
2001.09-2003.06 南京大学 岩石学、矿物学、矿床学 硕士
1990.09-1994.06 中国矿业大学 煤田地质勘查 本科
2020.06- 中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所
2009.09-2020.06 中国科学院广州地球化学研究所
1994.07-2001.08 甘肃有色地质勘查局白银三队
1. 新疆维吾尔自治区重点研发项目课题“新疆铁锂矿床成矿规律与勘查标识体系”,2023-2026
2. 新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金重点项目“西昆仑-阿尔金中段伟晶岩型锂铍金属超常富集机理及成矿规律研究”,2022-2026;
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“碳酸岩型钼矿床的Mo同位素研究——以秦岭黄龙铺和黄水庵钼矿床为例”,2021-2024;
4. 新疆高层次人才引进工程天池博士课题“新疆大红柳滩锂铍稀有金属富集机制研究”,2021-2023;
5. 中国石油天然气股份有限公司勘探开发研究院课题:“川南五峰组-龙马溪组海相黑色页岩笔石井喷式发育的成因研究”,2022-2024。
6. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“大湖塘和圆珠顶热液铜钼成矿作用中Cu、Mo同位素组成及其地质意义”,2017-2020;
7. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“辉钼矿Sr-Nd-S-Pb、Mo同位素地球化学对东秦岭多时代钼成矿作用的约束”,2014-2017;
8. 中国地质调查局地质调查工作项目“河南省栾川地区铅锌金银矿整装勘查区关键基础地质研究”,2014-2015;
9. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“豫西熊耳山地区古元古代钼成矿作用研究”,2011-2013;
10. 国家自然科学基金面上项目“河南熊耳地体西南部银铅锌-铜-钼成矿分带性研究”,2009-2011
1. Yang Hong-Yun,Li Feng-Ling,Zhang Xue-Bin*,Yang Wu-Bin,Qu Pan,Zhao Guo-Liang,Jiang Hao,Yao Jun-Ming*. 2024. Geology,geochronology,and genesis of Au mineralization from the Huangshui’an Mo-Au-Pb deposit in Eastern Qinling,China. Ore Geology Reviews 168,106046.
2. Yao Jun-Ming,Li Feng-Ling,Ma Guan-Zhong,Zhang Xue-Bin,Hou Ke-Jun,Yang Hong-Yun,Li Nuo. 2024. Tourmaline chemical composition and boron isotopic composition at the Longmenshan pegmatite in Dahongliutan area,West Kunlun: Implication for rare-metal Li-Be mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews 167,105987.
3. Li Feng-Ling,Mathur Ryan,Li Jie,Li Nuo,Deng Xiao-Hua,Yao Yi-Fei,Zhao Tai-Ping,Yao Jun-Ming*. 2023. Link Mo isotopes to the sources of the Paleoproterozoic Mo mineralization in the Qinling orogeny. Ore Geology Reviews 160,105618.
4. Yao Jun-Ming,Mathur Ryan,Powell Wayne,Lehmann Bernd,Tornos Fernando,Wilson Marc,Ruiz Joaquin. 2018. Sn-Isotope Fractionation as a Record of Hydrothermal Redox Reactions. American Mineralogist,103: 1591-1598.
5. Yao Junming,Mathur Ryan,Sun Weidong,Song Weile,Chen Huayong,Mutti Laurence,Xiang Xinkui,and Luo Xiaohong. 2016. Fractionation of Cu and Mo isotopes caused by vapor-liquid partitioning,evidence from the Dahutang W-Cu-Mo ore field,Geochemistry Geophysics Geosystems,17,1725-1739
6. Yao Junming,Chen Huayong,Tian Yangchao,Song Weile,Zhu Sanyuan. 2015. Three-dimensional imaging of a single fluid inclusion in sphalerite by nano X-ray tomography. Ore Geology Reviews,71,116-120
7. Yao Junming,Chen Yanjing,Zhao Taiping,Li Xianghui,Yuan Zhenlei. 2011. Fluid inclusions and Rb–Sr isotopic dating of the Wangpingxigou Pb-Zn deposit,Henan Province,China. 11th SGA Biennial Meeting: Let’s Talk Ore Deposits,Antofagasta,Chile,p. 118-120
8. Yao Junming,Chen Yanjing,Zhao Taiping,Li Xianghui. 2011. Rb-Sr dating of the Wangpingxigou Pb-Zn deposit,China. Mineralogical Magazine,75(3):p. 2215.
9. Yao Junming,Hua Renmin,Qu Wenjun,Qi Huawen,Lin Jinfu,Du Andao. 2007. Re-Os isotope dating of molybdenites in the Huangshaping Pb-Zn-W-Mo polymetallic deposit,Hunan province,South China and its geological significance. Science in China (Series D),50(4):519-526
10. Song Wei-Le,Yao Jun-Ming*,Chen Hua-Yong,Sun Wei-Dong,Lai Chunkit,Xiang Xin-Kui,Luo Xiao-Hong,Fred Jourdan. 2018. A 20 m.y. long-lived successive mineralization in the giant Dahutang W–Cu–Mo deposit,South China. Ore Geology Reviews. 95: 401-407. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.02.033
11. Song Wei-Le,Yao Jun-Ming*,Chen Hua-Yong,Sun Wei-Dong,Ding Jun-Ying,Xiang Xin-Kui,Zuo Quan-Shi,Lai Chun-Kit. 2018. Mineral paragenesis,fluid inclusions,H–O isotopes and ore-forming processes of the giant Dahutang W–Cu–Mo deposit,South China. Ore Geology Reviews. 99: 116-150. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.oregeorev.2018.06.002
12. Li Qian-Zhen,Yao Jun-Ming*,Zhang Rong-Qing. 2018. Cassiterite U-Pb dating of Yangbin porphyry tin deposit in Zhejiang and its geological significance. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition). 92(6):2454-2456.
13. Cao Mingping,Yao Junming*,Deng Xiaohua,Yang Fengjie,Mao Guangzhou,Ryan Mathur. 2017. Diverse and multistage Mo,Au,Ag–Pb–Zn and Cu deposits in the Xiong'er Terrane,East Qinling: From Triassic Cu mineralization. Ore Geology Reviews. 81: 565-574
14. Han Jinsheng,Yao Junming*,Chen Yanjing. 2014. Geochronology and geochemistry of the Dashui adakitic granitoids in the western Qinling Orogen,central China: implications for Triassic tectonic setting. Geological Journal,49: 383–401
15. Han Jinsheng,Yao Junming*,Chen Huayong,Deng Xiaohua,Ding Junying. 2014. Fluid inclusion and stable isotope study of the Shagou Ag–Pb–Zn deposit,Luoning,Henan province,China: Implications for the genesis of an orogenic lode Ag–Pb–Zn system. Ore Geology Reviews,62,199-210
16. Han Jinsheng,Chen Huayong,Yao Junming*,Deng Xiaohua. 2015. 2.24 Ga mafic dykes from Taihua Complex,southern Trans-North China Orogen,and their tectonic implications. Precambrian Research,270: 124-138.