2012-09 至 2015-07,东北农业大学,生物化学与分子生物学,博士
2009-09 至 2012-07,黑龙江大学,微生物学,硕士
2005-09 至 2009-07,黑龙江大学,生物技术,学士
2020-11 至今,中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所,副研究员
2017-09 至 2020-10,中山大学,生命科学学院,副研究员
2015-08 至 2017-08,中山大学,生命科学学院,助理研究员
2015-07 至 2017-08,中山大学,生命科学学院,博士后
现为伯杰氏国际系统微生物学会(BISMiS)会员,新疆维吾尔自治区微生物学会理事。《Communication Biology》《Microbiology Spectrum》《Frontiers in Marine Science》《Frontiers in Microbiology》《Systematic and Applied Microbiology》《International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology》《Antonie van Leeuwenhoek》《Archives of Microbiology》《Journal of Arid Land》《Microbial Biotechnology》等期刊评审专家。
1. 中国科学院“西部之光”青年学者项目,干旱区盐碱生境抗逆微生物 资源挖掘与应用潜力研究,2025-01至2027-12,在研,主持
2. 干旱区生态安全与可持续发展重点实验室青年交叉团队项目,干旱区微生物资源与生态创新团队,2024-11至2026-11,在研,主持
3. 研究所自主部署基础前沿课题项目,干旱区特殊生境生物种质资源挖掘与利用,2023-01 至 2025-12,60万元,在研,主持
4. 新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金面上项目,2022D01A154,柴窝堡湖微生物群落多样性及其生态功能研究,2022-04 至 2025-04,7万元,在研,主持
5. 国家科技基础性工作专项项目,2021FY100909,基于大数据的新物种资源挖掘,2021-09至2024-08,37万元,在研,主持
6. 国家科技基础性工作专项项目, 2019FY100700,“我国主要沿海滩涂特色微生物资源调查”子课题“滩涂细菌和古菌资源及多样性调查”,2019/12-2023/12,24.7万,结题,项目骨干
7. 高校基本科研业务费青年教师培育项目,教育部,No. 19lgpy173,黔粤地区喀斯特洞穴微生物资源多样性及其驱动的碳氮循环机制,2019/10-2021/10, 15万元,结题,主持
8. 国家自然青年科学基金项目,31600015,贵州喀斯特洞穴放线菌多样性及生物活性菌株筛选,2017/01-2019/12,19万元,结题,主持
9. 中国博士后科学基金项目,2016M592567,贵州喀斯特洞穴放线菌多样性及生物活性菌株筛选,2016/05-2017/07,5万元,结题,主持
10. 国家重点研发计划,2017YFD0200503,“农业生物药物分子靶标发现与绿色药物分子设计”子课题“微生物农药发现及其生态安全究” 2017/06-2021/06,50万元,结题,参加
11. 国家科技基础性工作专项,2015FY110100,“西藏地区极端特色微生物资源及其多样性研究”子课题“西藏地区热泉高温微生物资源调查及多样性研究”,2015/05-2019/04,125万元,结题
1. Gao L†,Liu L†*,Lv AP†,Fu L,Lian ZH,Nunoura T,Hedlund BP,Xu QY,Wu D,Yang J,Ali M,Li MM,Liu YH,Antunes A,Jiang HC,Cheng L,Jiao JY*,Li WJ*,Fang BZ*. Reversed oxidative TCA (roTCA) for carbon fixation by an Acidimicrobiia strain from a saline lake [J]. The ISME Journal. 2024;18(1):wrae147.
2. Gao L†,Rao MP†,Liu YH†,Wang PD,Lian ZH,Abdugheni R,Jiang HC,Jiao JY,Shurigin V*,Fang BZ*, Li WJ*.SALINITY-Induced changes in diversity,stability,and functional profiles of microbial communities in different Saline Lakes in Arid Areas [J]. Microbial Ecology. 2024;87(1):135.
3. Gao L†, She TT†, Liu YH†, Chen ZY, Liu JY, Jiang HC, Fang BZ*, Li WJ*. Chelativorans salis sp. nov., a slightly halophilic bacterium isolated from an enrichment system with saline lake sediment [J]. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2024;74(4):006340.
4. Xu QY, Gao L, Wu D, Li XY, Liu YH, Zhang Y, Chen YH, She TT, Fang BZ*, Li WJ*. Aquibaculum sediminis sp. nov., a halotolerant bacteria isolated from salt lake sediment[J]. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2025;118(1):13.
5. Gao L†, Fang BZ†*, Lu CY†, Hong KH, Huang XY, She TT, Xiao M, Li WJ*. Unraveling the genomic diversity and ecological potential of the genus Demequina: insights from comparative analysis of different saline niche strains[J]. Frontiers in Marine Science. 2023 Oct 20.
6. Liu YH†, Mohamad OA†, Gao L, Xie YG, Abdugheni R, Huang Y, Li L, Fang BZ*, Li WJ* Sediment prokaryotic microbial community and potential biogeochemical cycle from saline lakes shaped by habitat[J]. Microbiological Research. 2023; 270:127342.
7. Lu CY, Dong L, Li S, Lian WH, Lin ZL, Zheng ZH, Gao L, Fang BZ, Li WJ. Salinibacterium sedimenticola sp. nov., isolated from tidal flat sediment[J]. Current Microbiology. 2023;80(5):142.
8. Zhou G†, Gao L†, Fang BZ†, Wang YS, Tao HB, Wen X, Wang Q, Huang XM, Shi QS, Li WJ*, Xie XB*. Fundicoccus culcitae sp. nov., a novel potential bacteriocin producing bacterium isolated from a spoiled eye mask [J]. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2023;116(11):1185-95.
9. Gao L, Fang BZ*, Liu YH, Jiao JY, Li MM, Alkhalifah DH, Hozzein WN, Li WJ*. Comparative genomic analyses of Lutimaribacter degradans sp. nov. With the ability to PAHs-biodegradation and transformation[J]. International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation. 2023; 176:105505.
10. Fang BZ*, Gao L, Jiao JY, Zhang ZT, Li MM, Mohamad OA, Ahmed I, Li L,Liu YH, Li WJ*. Agromyces cavernae sp. nov., a novel member of the genus Agromyces isolated from a karstic cave in Shaoguan[J]. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2022;72(8):005503.
11. Gao L†, Fang BZ†, Liu YH, Huang Y, Zhang DD, Wang S, Jiang HC, Li WJ*. Pseudalkalibacillus salsuginis sp. nov., a novel salt-tolerant bacterium isolated from a saline lake sediment[J]. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2022;72(10):005597.
12. Gao L†, Fang BZ†, Liu YH, Huang Y, Wang S, Jiang HC, Li WJ*. Paracoccus salsus sp. nov., a novel slightly halophilic bacterium isolated from saline lake sediment[J]. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2022;72(8):005473.
13. Gao L†, Fang BZ† Liu YH, Jiao JY, Li MM, Antunes A, Li WJ. Rhabdothermincola salaria sp. nov., a novel actinobacterium isolated from a saline lake sediment[J]. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2022;72(5):005361.
14. Gao L†, Fang BZ†*, Liu YH, Huang Y, Jiao JY, Li L, Antunes A, Li WJ*. Ornithinimicrobium sediminis sp. nov., a novel actinobacterium isolated from a saline lake sediment[J]. Archives of Microbiology. 2022;204(5):277.
15. Yin LZ, Liu ZT, Li JL, Wang PD, Dong L, Duan L, Luo XQ, Fang BZ*, Li WJ*. Agilicoccus flavus gen. nov., sp. nov., a novel member of the family Dermatophilaceae isolated from the Pearl River[J]. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2021;71(10):005076.
16. Liu ZT, Jiao JY, Liu L, Li MM, Ming YZ, Song JL, Lv AP, Xian WD, Fang BZ*, Li WJ*. Rhabdothermincola sediminis gen. nov., sp. nov., a new actinobacterium isolated from hot spring sediment, and emended description of the family Iamiaceae[J]. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2021;71(3):004760.
17. Fang BZ, Han MX, Jiao JY, Xie YG, Zhang XT, Liu L, Zhang ZT, Xiao M, Li WJ*. Streptomyces cavernae sp. nov., a novel actinobacterium isolated from a karst cave sediment sample[J]. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2020;70(1):120-5.
18. Fang BZ†*, Xie YG†, Zhou XK, Zhang XT, Liu L, Jiao JY, Xiao M, Li WJ*. Lysobacter prati sp. nov., isolated from a plateau meadow sample[J]. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2020; 113:763-72.
19. Xie YG†, Fang BZ†*, Han MX, Liu L, Jiao JY, Zhang XT, Xiao M, Li WJ*. Microlunatus speluncae sp. nov., a novel actinobacterium isolated from a Karstic subterranean environment sample[J]. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2020; 113:117-25.
20. Liu YH, Xie YG, Li L, Jiang HC, Mohamad OA, Hozzein W, Fang BZ*, Li WJ*. Cyclobacterium salsum sp. nov. and Cyclobacterium roseum sp. nov., isolated from a saline lake[J]. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2020;70(6):3785-93.
21. Fang BZ†, Han MX†, Jiao JY, Zhang XT, Xie YG, Hozzein WN, Alkhalifah DH, Xiao M, Li WJ. Nocardioides speluncae sp. nov., a novel actinobacterium isolated from a karstic subterranean environment sample[J]. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek. 2019;112:857-65.
22. Fang BZ, Han MX, Zhang LY, Jiao JY, Zhang XT, Zhang ZT, Wang Y, Nie GX, Li WJ. Nocardia aurea sp. nov., a novel actinobacterium isolated from a karstic subterranean environment[J]. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2019;69(1):159-64.
23. Zhang LY†, Fang BZ†, Jiao JY, Zhang XT, Liu L, Meng XL, Ming H, Nie GX, Li WJ. Antribacter gilvus gen. nov., sp. nov., a new member of the family Promicromonosporaceae from a karstic cavern[J]. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2019;69(12):3792-9.
24. Liu YH†, Fang BZ†, Dong ZY, Li L, Mohamad OA, Zhang YG, Egamberdieva D, Xiao M, Li WJ. Croceibacterium gen. nov., with description of Croceibacterium ferulae sp. nov., an endophytic bacterium isolated from Ferula sinkiangensis KM Shen and reclassification of Porphyrobacter mercurialis as Croceibacterium mercuriale comb. nov. [J] International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2019;69(8):2547-54.
25. Liu YH†, Fang BZ†, Mohamad OA, Zhang YG, Jiao JY, Dong ZY, Xiao M, Li L, Li WJ. Nocardioides ferulae sp. nov., isolated from root of an endangered medicinal plant Ferula songorica Pall. ex Spreng. [J] International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2019;69(5):1253-8.
26. Fang BZ, Salam N, Han MX, Jiao JY, Cheng J, Wei DQ, Xiao M*, Li WJ*. Insights on the effects of heat pretreatment, pH, and calcium salts on isolation of rare Actinobacteria from karstic caves[J]. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2017; 8:1535.
27. Fang BZ, Han MX, Liu L, Zhang ZT, Liu WL, Shen JT, Wang Y, Zhang WQ, Wei DQ, Li WJ*. Lentzea cavernae sp. nov., an actinobacterium isolated from a karst cave sample, and emended description of the genus Lentzea [J]. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2017 Jul;67(7):2357-62.
28. Yang ZW, Lian ZH, Liu L, Fang BZ, Li WJ*, Jiao JY*. Cultivation strategies for prokaryotes from extreme environments. iMeta. 2023: e123.
29. Xie YG, Luo ZH, Fang BZ, Jiao JY, Xie QJ, Cao XR, Qu YN, Qi YL, Rao YZ, Li YX, Liu YH, Li A,Seymour C, Palmer M, Hedlund BP, Li WJ*, Hua ZS*. Functional differentiation determines the molecular basis of the symbiotic lifestyle of Ca. Nanohaloarchaeota [J]. Microbiome. 2022;10(1):1-3.
30. Luo XQ, Wang P, Li JL, Ahmad M, Duan L, Yin LZ, Deng QQ, Fang BZ, Li SH, Li WJ. Viral community-wide auxiliary metabolic genes differ by lifestyles, habitats, and hosts [J]. Microbiome. 2022;10(1):190.
31. Jiao JY, Liu L, Hua ZS, Fang BZ, Zhou EM, Salam N, Hedlund BP, Li WJ. Microbial dark matter coming to light: challenges and opportunities [J]. National science review. 2021;8(3):nwaa280.
32. Chen LX, Méndez-García C, Dombrowski N, Servín-Garcidueñas LE, Eloe-Fadrosh EA, Fang BZ, Luo ZH, Tan S, Zhi XY, Hua ZS, Martinez-Romero E, Woyke T, Huang LN, Sánchez J, Peláez AI, Ferrer M, Baker BJ *, Shu WS*, Metabolic versatility of small archaea Micrarchaeota and Parvarchaeota [J]. The ISME Journal, 2018, 12: 756–775.
Fang BZ, Jiao JY, Wang S, Li WJ. Chemotaxonomy and Genomes. InModern Taxonomy of Bacteria and Archaea: New Methods, Technology and Advances 2024 Apr 19 (pp. 113-132). Singapore: Springer Nature Singapore.
李文均; 房保柱; 姚楠; 高磊; 杨畅; 李丽; 刘永红; 一种盐生植物内生的耐盐贝莱斯芽孢杆菌及用途, 2023-02-22, 中国, ZL 202310148215.7
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