• 姓名: 陶冶
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 副研究员
  • 职务: 
  • 学历: 博士
  • 电话: 
  • 传真: 
  • 电子邮件: taoye@ms.xjb.ac.cn
  • 所属部门: 
  • 通讯地址: 新疆维吾尔自治区乌鲁木齐北京南路818号

    简  历:

  • 教育经历:











  • 干旱区植物生态适应性


  • 1. 国家重点研发计划项目:中国—塔吉克斯坦生物资源保育与可持续利用“一带一路”联合实验室建设与联合研究(2024YFE0214200),经费500万元,2025/01–2026/12,项目骨干

    2. 第三次新疆综合科学考察项目子课题:塔里木河流域山地—高原极端环境特殊植物种质资源调查(2022xjkk0201-01),经费110万元,2022/10–2025/09,主持

    3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(42171070):西北荒漠区沙拐枣属植物同化枝养分性状的地理格局及驱动因素,2022/01–2025/12,经费55万元,主持

    4. 中国科学院西部青年学者项目A类:中国西北干旱区 2 种白刺属广布种叶片功能性状大尺度空间变异特征(2022-XBQNXZ-006),经费90万元, 2023/01–2025/12,主持

    5. 新疆维吾尔自治区“天山英才”培养计划青年科技拔尖人才项目:天山野果林衰退对生态系统多功能性的影响(2022TSYCCX0011),经费150万元,2023/03–2026/03,主持

    6. 新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金面上项目:准噶尔荒漠灌木同化枝化学计量变异特征及影响因素(2022D01A346),经费10万元,2023/01–2025/12,主持

    7. 国家重点研发计划项目(2016YFC05015002)专题:基于养分化学计量学的野苹果退化过程与机制,2016/07–2020/12,经费32万元

    8. 支持‘率先行动’中国博士后科学基金会与中国科学院联合资助优秀博士后项目:天山野苹果种群退化的化学计量学过程与机制(2016LH0049),经费20万元

    9. 中国博士后科学基金面上项目:天山野苹果种群衰退过程中叶片化学计量变异格局(2016M602912),经费5万元

    10. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:准噶尔荒漠草本植物叶片化学计量特征及其对生物量分配的影响(41201056),2013/01–2015/12,经费26万元

    11. 安徽省自然科学基金面上项目:基于化学计量学的大别山五针松濒危机制(1708085MC77),2017/07–2019/06,经费8万元


  • 1. Zhou W#,Tao Y#,Peng L,Zheng H,Zhou X,Yin B,Zhang J*,Zhang Y*. Balancing the nutrient needs: Optimising growth in Malus sieversii seedlings through tailored nitrogen and phosphorus effects. Plant Cell & Environment,2024,47(12):5280–5296.

    2. Wang Meng-Ting,Xue Zhi-Fang,Tao Ye*,Kan Zi-Han,Zhou Xiao-Bing,Liu Hui-Liang,Zhang Yuan-Ming*. Spatiotemporal patterns of leaf nutrients of wild apples in a wild fruit forest plot in the Ili Valley,China. BMC Plant Biology,2024,24: 684.

    3. Meng Huan-Huan, Yin Ben-Feng, Tao Ye*, Zhou Xiao-Bing, Zang Yong-Xin, Zhang Yuan-Ming*. Stoichiometric patterns of assimilative branches of four dominant shrubs and the drivers in a Central Asian desert. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2024, 219: 105622.

    4. Tao Y, Zhou X-B, Yin B-F, Dimeyeva L, Zhang J, Zang Y-X, Zhang Y-M*. Combining Multiple Plant attributes to reveal differences in community structure in two distant deserts in Central Asia. Plants, 2023,12(18): 3286.

    5. Zhang YY, Yan JM, Zhou XB, Zhang YM, Tao Y*. Effects of N and P additions on twig traits of wild apple (Malus sieversii) saplings. BMC Plant Biology, 2023,23: 257.

    6. Dong Qiu#, Ye Tao#, Xiaobing Zhou. Bagila Maisupova, Jingming Yan, Huiliang Liu, Wenjun Li, Weiwei Zhuang*, Yuanming Zhang*. Spatiotemporal variations in the growth status of declining wild apple trees in a narrow valley in the western Tianshan Mountains, China. Journal of Arid Land, 2022, 14: 1413–1439.

    7. Meng H-H, Yin B-F, Li Y-G, Zhou X-B, Zhang Y-M, Tao Y*, Zhou D-Q*. Differences and allometric relationships among assimilative branch traits of four shrubs in Central Asia. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 1064504.

    8. Ye Tao, Xiao-Bing Zhou, Yong-Gang Li, Hui-Liang Liu, Yuan-Ming Zhang*. Short-term N and P additions differentially alter the multiple functional traits and trait associations of a desert ephemeral plant in China. Environmental and Experimental Botany, 2022, 200: 104932.

    9. Yan Jing-Ming#, Li Yong-Gang#, Bagila Maisupova, Zhou Xiao-Bing, Zhang Jing, Liu Hui-Liang, Yin Ben-Feng, Zang Yong-Xin, Tao Ye*, Zhang Yuan-Ming*. Effects of growth decline on twig functional traits of wild apple trees in two long-term monitoring plots in Yili Valley: Implication for their conservation. Global Ecology Conservation, 2022,33: e01998.

    10. Tao Ye#, Zhou Xiao-Bing#, Zhang Yuan-Ming*, Yin Ben-Feng, Li Yong-Gang, Zang Yong-Xin. Foliar C:N:P stoichiometric traits of herbaceous synusia and the spatial patterns and drivers in a temperate desert in Central Asia. Global Ecology and Conservation, 2021, 28: e01620.

    11. Tao Ye#, Qiu Dong#, Gong Yan-Ming, Liu Hui-Liang, Zhang Jing, Yin Ben-Feng, Lu Hai-Ying*, Zhou Xiao-Bing*, Zhang Yuan-Ming*. Leaf-root-soil N:P stoichiometry of ephemeral plants in a temperate desert in Central Asia. Journal of Plant Research, 2022,135: 55–67.

    12. Tao Ye, Nuerhailati Maziyirea, Zhang Yuan-Ming*, Zhang Jing, Yin Ben-Feng, Zhou Xiao-Bing*. Influence of branch death on leaf nutrient status and stoichiometry of wild apple trees (Malus sieversii) in the western Tianshan mountains, China. Polish Journal of Ecology, 2020, 68(4): 296–312.

    13. Tao Ye#, Zhou Xiao-Bing#, Zhang Shi-Hang#, Lu Hai-Ying*, Shao Hongbo*. Soil nutrient stoichiometry on linear sand dunes from a temperate desert in Central Asia. Catena, 2020, 195: 104847.

    14. Tao Ye, Zhou Xiao-Bing, Zhang Jing, Yin Ben-Feng, Wu Nan, Zhang Yuan-Ming*. Humped relationship between herbaceous species richness and biomass reveals a potential for increasing productivity in a temperate desert in Central Asia. Polish Journal of Ecology, 2020, 68(1): 67–83.

    15. Tao Ye, Wu Gan-Lin, Zhang Yuan-Ming*. Dune-scale distribution pattern of herbaceous plants and their relationship with environmental factors in a saline–alkali desert in Central Asia. Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 576: 473–480.

    16. Tao Ye, Wu Ganlin, Zhang Yuanming*, Zhou Xiaobing. Leaf N and P stoichiometry of 57 plant species in the Karamori Mountain Ungulate Nature Reserve, Xinjiang, China. Journal of Arid Land, 2016, 8(6): 935–947.

    17. Zhang Chi, Lu Dengsheng, Chen Xi, Zhang Yuanming, Maisupova Bagila, Tao Ye*. The spatiotemporal patterns of vegetation coverage and biomass of the temperate deserts in Central Asia and their relationships with climate controls. Remote Sensing of Environment, 2016, 175: 271–281.

    18. Tao Ye, Zhang Yuan Ming*. Plant traits with different dimensions of shrubs represent different spatial patterns and plant-to-plant interactions in a temperate desert. EXCLI Journal, 2013,12: 658–669.

    19. Tao Ye, Zhang Yuan Ming*, Downing Alison. Similarity and difference in vegetation structure of three desert shrub communities under the same temperate climate but with different microhabitats. Botanical studies, 2013,54: 59.

    20. Tao Ye, Zhang Yuan Ming*. Effects of leaf hair points of a desert moss on water retention and dew formation: implications for desiccation tolerance. Journal of Plant Research, 2012,125: 351–360.

    21. Pan Zhao, Pitt William G., Zhang Yuanming, Wu Nan, Tao Ye, Truscott Tadd T*. The upside-down water collection system of Syntrichia caninervis. Nature Plants, 2016, 2: 16076.



  • 2024年,“荒漠植物极端耐干的形态适应及分子调控”,获2023年度新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学一等奖,排名第5/5(张道远,李小双,高贝,杨红兰,陶冶),证书编号:Z2023030


