• 姓名: 裴亮
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 研究员
  • 职务: 
  • 学历: 博士
  • 电话: 0991-7823146
  • 传真: 
  • 电子邮件: Peiliang@igsnrr.ac.cn
  • 所属部门: 
  • 通讯地址: 新疆乌鲁木齐市北京南路818号

    简  历:

  • 裴亮(1982.3-),男,博士,中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所研究员、中国科学院大学教授。














  •   担任UniBe讲席教授、非常规水利用工程中心副主任、绿色农业中心精准灌溉分中心副主任、陕西理工大学兼职教授/博士生导师、湖北省十堰市竹溪县生态文明建设副总工、国际膜学会JMS副秘书长、Frontiers in Environmental Science编委兼客座主编、Toxics客座主编、Sustainability客座主编、JEPH客座主编、国际多个著名期刊特约审稿人、国际水环境IAHE理事、国家自然科学基金委专家、北京市科委专家、北京市招投评标专家、生态环境部项目评审专家、水利部项目评审专家、中国水利学会会员、中国地理学会会员、北京市水利学会会员、陕西省水利学会理事等。


  • 水土环境修复及资源化利用、固体废弃物处置处理及资源化、劣质水灌溉技术与理论、工矿业特殊物质提取回收


  • 1. 西安理工大学优秀博士学位论文研究基金项目“污水中重金属分离及回收利用新型液膜技术研究”(负责人) 

    2. 陕西省优秀博士基金项目“杨凌示范区饮用水水源地规划初步方案研究与制定”(负责人)  

    3. 国家重点实验室开放基金课题“生物炭强化膜生物反应器处理高浓度工业废水应用基础研究”(负责人)

    4. 国家重点实验室开放基金课题“碳基物质协同超滤反应器处理微污染水应用研究”(负责人)

    5. 国家重点实验室开放基金课题“压缩活性炭及碳基物质对超滤膜三种冲洗模式的影响机理研究”(负责人)

    6. 陕西省重点实验室开放基金项目“生物炭添加对人工湿地处理非常规水的增效机理研究”(负责人)

    7. 北京市重点实验室开放基金项目“通州区污水再生水灌溉资源化提升技术研究”(负责人)

    8. 国家科技支撑计划项目子课题“滨海盐碱地节水灌溉与非常规水利用技术集成研究与示范”(负责人) 

    9. 新疆重点实验室课题“干旱区生活污水再生滴灌养分运移及对作物的影响研究”(负责人)

    10. 国家自然科学基金项目“农村生活污水再生利用滴灌养分运移特征及对作物生长的影响”(负责人) 

    11. 973项目任务“河道洪峰过程洪-床-岸相互作用对作物植被的影响”(负责人) 

    12. 北京市重大科技专项课题“永定河水源区化肥面源污染防治技术研究与示范”(负责人)

    13. 张家界世界地质公园地质遗址保护专项“河流泥沙输移特性及其对降水、地形、植被和人类活动的响应”(负责人) 

    14. 中国科学院特色研究所培育建设服务课题 “土壤与地下水污染修复技术和设备的研发”(负责人) 

    15. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项(A类)子课题3的专题“水环境污染评估”(负责人)

    16. 中国科学院自主部署项目“干旱区非常规水处理及资源化利用”(负责人)


    18. 中国科学院大气物理所委托任务“土地利用类型和农作物种植区划制作技术服务”(负责人) 

    19. 中国科学院大气物理所委托任务“中国高德地图POI数据获取技术服务”(负责人)

    20. 新疆“天池英才”人才计划“干旱区污水处理及非常规资源化利用复合技术研究”(负责人)

    21. 煤基生态碳汇技术教育部工程研究中心基金“秸秆生物炭协同氧化石墨烯对稀土矿重金属阻控机制研究”(负责人)

    22. 广东省农科院委托任务“城镇光伏与水系协调构建提升技术方案”(负责人)

    23. 杨凌示范区委托任务“杨凌饮用水水源地规划初步方案”(负责人)

    24. 南水北调中线委托任务“南水北调沿线农村水循环系统构建初步方案”(负责人)

    25. 水利科技人才项目“城市雨洪预测预警机制研究”(负责人)

    26. 国家重点研发计划子课题“电子废物拆解场地复合污染土壤修复工程示范”(负责人)

    27. 新疆维吾尔自治区二次引进项目“秸秆生物碳改性粉煤灰协同腐殖酸土壤修复技术引进与示范”(负责人)


  •     发表论文150余篇(第一或通讯作者100余篇),其中SCI论文60余篇(第一或通讯作者40余篇);获得专利授权40余项(第一发明人37项),出版专著3部;获得省部级奖7项(个人4项,第三完成人3项),地市级科学技术奖3项,厅局(校)级奖20余项(均第一完成人);在产学研合作方面,利用专业特长,长期深入基层单位开展合作研究,全面助力区域经济和社会发展,技术示范推广面积上万亩。主持国家自然科学基金等项目20余项,作为科研骨干参与国家重点研发计划,中国科学院先导专项、国家科技支撑计划项目、中国科学院重点部署项目、国务院南水北调项目、中央部委委托项目、地方政府委托项目等20余项。
    1.  PEI Liang,WANG Liming,GUO Wei,ZHAO Nan. Stripping dispersion hollow fiber liquid membrane containing PC-88A as carrier and HCl for transport behavior of trivalent dysprosium[J]. Journal of Membrane Science,2011,378(1-2):520-530. (SCI) 
    2.  PEI Liang,WANG Liming. Study on supported combined liquid membrane containing HEH(EH)P and HNO3 for trivalent gadolinium transfer[J]. Chinese Chemical Letters,2011,22(9):1095-1098. (SCI)
    3.  PEI Liang,WANG Liming,GUO Wei,ZHAO Nan. Separation of Gd(III) with renewal supported liquid membrane system containing D2EHPA as carrier[J]. Acta Chimica Sinica,2011,69(13):1553-1558. (SCI) 
    4.  PEI Liang,WANG Liming,GUO Wei. Separation of Samarium through facilitated Stripping Dispersion Hollow Fiber Liquid Membrane using p204 as Mobile Carrier [J]. Chinese Journal of Chemistry,2011,29: 1233-1238. (SCI) 
    5.  PEI Liang,YAO Binghua,WANG Liming,MA Zhanying,LIU Min. Tb(III) transport in dispersion supported liquid membrane system with D2EHPA as carrier in kerosene[J]. Chemical Research in Chinese Universities,2011,27(1):132-139. (SCI) 
    6.  PEI Liang,WANG Liming,Yu Guoqiang. Separation of Eu(III) with supported dispersion liquid membrane system containing D2EHPA as carrier and HNO3 solution as stripping solution[J]. Journal of Rare Earths,2011,29(1):7-14. (SCI)
    7.  PEI Liang,WANG Liming,FU Xinglong. Separation of Eu3+ using a novel Dispersion Combined Liquid Membrane with P507 in Kerosene as the Carrier[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,2011,19(1):33-39. (SCI) 
    8.  PEI Liang,YAO Binghua,WANG Liming,ZHAO Nan,LIU Min. Transport of Tb3+ in Dispersion Supported Liquid Membrane system with Carrier P507[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemistry,2010,28(5):839-846. (SCI) 
    9.  PEI Liang,YAO Binghua,ZHANG Chenjie. Transport of Tm(III) through Dispersion supported liquid membrane Containing PC-88A in Kerosene as the Carrier[J]. Separation and Purification Technology,2009,65(2):220-227. (SCI) 
    10.  PEI Liang,YAO Binghua,FU Xinglong. Study on Transport of Dy(III) by Dispersion supported liquid membrane[J]. Journal of Rare Earths,2009,27(3):447-456. (SCI) 
    11.  PEI Liang,WANG Liming,GUO Wei. Stripping dispersion hollow fiber liquid membrane containing carrier PC-88A and HNO3 for the extraction of Sm3+[J]. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2012,23: 101-104. (SCI) 
    12.  PEI Liang,WANG Liming. Transport behavior of divalent lead ions through disphase supplying supported liquid membrane with PC-88A as mobile carrier[J]. International Journal of Chemical Reactor Engineering,2012,10: 1-27. (SCI) 
    13.  PEI Liang,WANG Liming,Yu Guoqiang. Study on a novel flat renewal supported liquid membrane with D2EHPA and hydrogen nitrate for Neodymium extraction[J]. Journal of Rare Earths. 2012,30(1):63-68. (SCI) 
    14.  PEI Liang,WANG Liming,GUO Wei,ZHAO Nan. Study on a Novel Disphase Supplying Supported Liquid Membrane for Transport Behavior of Divalent Nickel Ions[J]. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering. 2012,20(4):633-640.(SCI) 
    15.  PEI Liang,WANG Liming,GUO Wei. Modelling of Ce(IV) Transport through a Dispersion Supported Liquid Membrane Including P204 as the Carrier[J]. Desalination and water treatment. 2013,51(10-12),2193-2201.(SCI) 
    16.  PEI Liang,WANG Liming,Ma Zhanying. Modelling of Ce(IV) Transport through a Dispersion Combined Liquid Membrane with Carrier p507[J]. Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering,2014,8(4):503–509 (SCI)
    17.  PEI Liang,WANG Liming,GUO Wei,ZHAO Nan.Recovery and Extraction of Tetravalence Cerium with Stripping Renewal Hollow Fiber Liquid Membrane[J]. Rare metal materials and engineering. 2012,41(s2):632-635. (SCI) 
    18.  Pei,L.;Wang,L. Migration of Trivalent Praseodymium from Tombarthite Sewage by Microtubule Ultrafiltration Reactor with Organophosphorus in Fuel Oil. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022,19,9364. doi.org/10.3390/ijerph19159364. (SCI)
    19.   Pei,L.;Sun,L. Impact Factors on Migration of Molybdenum(VI) from the Simulated Trade Effluent Using Membrane Chemical Reactor Combined with Carrier in the Mixed Renewal Solutions. Toxics 2022,10,438. doi.org/10.3390/toxics10080438. (SCI)
    20.   Pei,L.;Wang,C.;Sun,L.;Wang,L. Temporal and Spatial Variation (2001–2020) Characteristics of Wind Speed in the Water Erosion Area of the Typical Black Soil Region,Northeast China. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022,19,10473. doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191710473. (SCI)
    21.   Pei,L.;Wang,C.;Sun,L. Effects of Unconventional Water Agricultural Utilization on the Heavy Metals Accumulation in Typical Black Clay Soil around the Metallic Ore. Toxics 2022,10,476. doi.org/10.3390/toxics10080476. (SCI)
    22.   Pei,L.;Xiao,J.;Sun,L. The effects of reclaimed water irrigation on the soil characteristics and microbial populations of plant rhizosphere. Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2021,29(12):17570-17579. (SCI)
    23.   Pei,L.;Wang.L. Influence factor of Pr(III) recovery kinetics from rare-earth simulant wastewater by PAN microtubule hyperfiltration reactor. Int. J. Chem. React. Eng. 2022,9: 1311. doi.org/10.1515/ijcre-2022-0137. (SCI)
    24.   Pei,L.;Wang,C.;Zuo,Y.;Liu,X.;Chi,Y. Impacts of Land Use on Surface Water Quality Using Self-Organizing Map in Middle Region of the Yellow River Basin,China. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022,19,17. doi.10.3390/ijerph191710946. (SCI)
    25.   Pei,L.;Wang,C. Removal of neodymium(III) from wastewater using microtube ultrafiltration chemical reactor with organic phosphate. Desalination and Water Treatment.2022.doi:10.5004/dwt.2022.28741.(SCI)
    26.   Pei,L.;Duo,J.;Chu,L. Removal of Polytungstate from Mine Wastewater Using a Flat Renewal Membrane Reactor with N1633 as a Carrier. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2022,19,11092. doi.org/10.3390/ijerph191711092.(SCI)
    27.  Pei,L. Effects of metallic ion distribution in non-traditional water agricultural applications in sandy loam in an Arid area. Sustainability. 2022,14,11080. doi.org/10.3390/su141711080.(SCI)
    28.  Pei,L. Dislodging Dichromate in mine slops applying flat supplying membrane equipment containing carrier N235/7301. Membranes. 2022,12,880. doi.org/10.3390/membranes12090880. (SCI)
    29.  Pei,L.;Sun,L. Study on Di-Phase Membrane Device with DZ272(DDD) for Purification Behavior of Divalent Cobalt Ions in Slops. Toxics 2022,10,546. doi.org/10.3390/toxics10090546. (SCI)
    30.  Liu,T.;Yang,F.;Wang,L.;Pei,L.*;Hu,Y.;Li,R.;Hou,K.;Ren,T. Synergistic ffect of Charge Separation and Multiple Reactive Oxygen Species Generation on Boosting Photocatalytic Degradation of Fluvastatin by ZnIn2S4/Bi2WO6 Z-Scheme Heterostructured Photocatalytst. Toxics 2022,10,555. doi.org/10.3390/toxics10100555. (SCI)
    31.  LU Shibao,PEI Liang,BAI Xiao. Study on method of domestic wastewater treatment through new-type multi-layer artificial wetland[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2015,40: 11207 -11214. (SCI)
    32.  LU Shibao,PEI Liang. A study on phenol migration by coupling the liquid membrane in the ionic liquid[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2016,41: 15724-15732. (SCI)
    33.  LU Shibao,PEI Liang.A study of zinc borne waste water treatment with dispersion supported liquid membrane[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2016,41:15717-15723. (SCI)
    34.  WANG Liming,YAO Binghua,PEI Liang,CHENG Gang. Preparation of Ruthenium-Doped TiO2/Ti Photoelectrodes and Photoelectrocatalytic Performance[J]. Rare Metal Materials and Engineering,2010,39(7):1240-1243. (SCI)
    35.  LU Shibao,ZHANG Xiaoling,PEI Liang. Influence of drip irrigation by reclaimed water on the dynamic change of the nitrogen element in soil and tomato yield and quality[J]. Journal of Cleaner Production,2016,139: 561-566. (SCI)
    36.  WANG Jianhua,LU Shibao,PEI Liang. Study on rules of dynamic variation of nitrogen in soil after reclaimed water drip irrigation[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2016,41: 15938-15943. (SCI)
    37.  SUN Liying,MA Bingjuan,PEI Liang,ZHANG Xiaohang,John L.Zhou.The relationship of human activities and rainfall induced landslide and debris flow hazards in Central China[J]. Natural Hazards,2021,107:147-169. (SCI)
    38.  LU Shibao,WANG Jianhua,PEI Liang. Study on the Effects of Irrigation with Reclaimed Water on the Content and Distribution of Heavy Metals in Soil[J]. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health,2016,13,298-310. (SCI)
    39.  XU M,  BAI X,  PEI Liang,PAN H. A research on application of water treatment technology for reclaimed water irrigation[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy,2016,41(35):15930-15937. (SCI)
    40.  LIU Ronghao,KANG Yuehu,PEI Liang,WAN Shuqin. Use of a New Controlled-Loss-Fertilizer to Reduce Nitrogen Losses during Winter Wheat Cultivation in the Danjiangkou Reservoir Area of China[J]. Communications in Soil Science & Plant Analysis,2016:1-11. (SCI)
    1. 裴 亮. 多孔毛细管式分散支撑液膜分离回收装置,2011-10-05(授权号:CN 201120072132.7) 
    2. 裴 亮. 生活污水选择性循环利用装置,2011-10-05(授权号:CN 201120072130.8) 
    3. 裴 亮,颜 明,韩冬梅,于国强,王理明. 一种采用活性炭的生活污水处理及再生利用装置,2011-11-30 (授权号:CN 201120490093.2) 
    4. 裴 亮,陈秀龙,颜 明,于国强,王理明. 一种人工湿地再生水循环利用装置,2011-11-30 (授权号:CN 201120490072.0) 
    5. 裴 亮,颜 明,韩冬梅,于国强,王理明. 一种同轴圆台花园生活污水处理和循环利用装置,2011-11-30 (授权号:CN 201120490505.2) 
    6. 裴 亮,刘荣豪,韩冬梅,于国强,王理明. 一种农村生活污水集中处理再生利用装置,2011-12-05 (授权号:CN 201120501380.9) 
    7. 裴 亮,赵 楠,颜 明,王理明,于国强. 一种流动大块液膜分离回收重金属的装置,2011-12-05 (授权号:CN 201120501623.9) 
    8. 裴 亮,赵 楠,于国强,王理明. 一种人字型大块液膜回收重金属的装置,2011-12-05 (授权号:CN 201120501834.2) 
    9. 姚秉华,裴 亮,赵楠,余晓皎,付兴隆. 一种重稀土金属的混合载体分散支撑液膜分离回收方法(专利号:200910022410.5;公开号:CN101560612A)
    10. 姚秉华,裴 亮,钟晶晶,王爽,余晓皎. 一种重金属的离子液体大块液膜分离回收方法(专利号:200910022546.6;公开号:CN101560604A)
    11. 姚秉华,付兴隆,吴小宁,余晓皎,裴 亮. 一种重金属的分散支撑液膜分离回收方法(专利号:200810018328.0;公开号:CN101284212A)


  • 1. 国际学术组织及会议奖7项
    2. 国家行业协会及省部级表彰12项:
    (8)中国发明创业奖 人物奖;
    3. 厅局(校)级表彰20余项:
    (5)2008年9月,EI文章“La(III) Transport in Dispersion Supported Liquid Membrane Including PC-88A as the Carrier and HCl Solution as the Stripping Solution”获校级“优秀论文”奖(第一);
    (6)2009年9月,SCI文章“Transport of Tm(III) through Dispersion supported liquid membrane Containing PC-88A in Kerosene as the Carrier”获校级“优秀论文”奖(第一);
    (7)2010年9月,SCI文章“Study on Transport of Dy(III) by Dispersion supported liquid membrane”获校级“优秀论文”奖(第一);