• 姓名: Osama Mohamad
  • 性别: 男
  • 职称: 副研究员
  • 职务: 
  • 学历: 
  • 电话: 18690169004
  • 传真: 
  • 电子邮件: Osama@ms.xjb.ac.cn
  • 所属部门: 
  • 通讯地址: 新疆乌鲁木齐市北京南路818号

    简  历:

  • Osama Mohamad,男,理学博士,出生于1980年,埃及人。








    2014.11至2017.12,博士后,中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所, 荒漠与绿洲生态国家重点实验室

    2018.01至2019.02,访问学者,中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所, 荒漠与绿洲生态国家重点实验室

    2019.03 至2024-03,副教授,阿里什大学,环境保护学院,环境农业科学学院

    2024.04至今,副研究员,中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所, 荒漠与绿洲生态国家重点实验室


  • He serves as an editor and reviewer for journals such as Microbiological Research, Frontiers in Microbiology, Frontiers in Plant Science, Scientific Reports, Microbial Pathogenesis, HELIYON, Current Plant Biology, Science of Total Environment, and BMC Microbiology.


  • 干旱区盐生药用植物内生菌资源挖掘利用及促生菌代谢产物活性研究


  • 1. Guo,Jian-Wei,Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad,Xiaolin Wang,Dilfuza Egamberdieva,and Baoyu Tian."Microbiome associated with plant pathogens,pathogenesis,and their applications in developing sustainable agriculture."Frontiers in Microbiology 15 (2024):1423961. Impact Factor 6.2

    2. Jin,Pin-Jiao,Lei Sun,Yong-Hong Liu,Kang-Kang Wang,Manik Prabhu Narsing Rao,Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad,Bao-Zhu Fang,Li Li,Lei Gao,Wen-Jun Li,and et al. 2024."Two Novel Alkaliphilic Species Isolated from Saline-Alkali Soil in China: Halalkalibacter flavus sp. nov.,and Halalkalibacter lacteus sp. nov"Microorganisms 12,no. 5: 950. Impact Factor 5.5

    3. Liu,Gao,Jiang,Fang,Huang,Li,Li,Abdugheni,Lian,Zhang,Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad# and Li. Response of microbial diversity and function to the degradation of Barkol Saline Lake. Frontiers Microbiology Volume 15 – 2024. Impact Factor 6.2

    4. Lei Dong,Mei-Xiang Li,Shuai Li,Ling-Xiang Yue,Mukhtiar Ali,Jia-Rui Han,Wen-Hui Lian,Chao-Jian Hu,Zhi-Liang Lin,Guo-Yuan Shi,Pan-Deng Wang,Shao-Ming Gao,Zheng-Han Lian,Ting-Ting She,Qi-Chuang Wei,Qi-Qi Deng,Qian Hu,Jia-Liang Xiong,Yong-Hong Liu,Li Li,Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy,Wen-Jun Li,Aridity drives the variability of desert soil microbiomes across north-western China,Science of The Total Environment,Volume 907,2024, Impact Factor 10.5

    5. Wei,Caixia,Shihong Luo,Lin Liu,Kai Shi,Caixia Han,Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad,and Hua Shao."Potential of utilizing pathogen‐derived mycotoxins as alternatives to synthetic herbicides in controlling the noxious invasive plant Xanthium italicum."Pest Management Science 80,no. 1 (2024):122-132. Impact Factor 4.44.

    6. Yong-Hong Liu#,Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad#,Lei Gao,Yuan-Guo Xie,Rashidin Abdugheni,Yin Huang,Li Li,Bao-Zhu Fang,Wen-Jun Li, (2023)  Sediment prokaryotic microbial community and potential biogeochemical cycle from saline lakes shaped by habitat,Microbiological Research,Volume 270,Impact Factor 5.07

    7. Abdugheni,Rashidin,Li Li,Zhen-Ni Yang,Yin Huang,Bao-Zhu Fang,Vyacheslav Shurigin,Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad,Yong-Hong Liu,and Wen-Jun Li."Microbial Risks Caused by Livestock Excrement: Current Research Status and Prospects."Microorganisms 11,no. 8 (2023):1897. Impact Factor 4.5.

    8. Lian,WH#,Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad#,Dong,L. et al. (2023) Culturomics- and metagenomics-based insights into the microbial community and function of rhizosphere soils in Sinai desert farming systems. Environmental Microbiome 18,4. Impact Factor 5.19

    9. Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad,Yong-Hong Liu,Yin Huang,Li Li,Jin-Biao Ma,Dilfuza Egamberdieva,Lei Gao,Bao-Zhu Fang,Shaimaa Hatab,Hong-Chen Jiang,and Wen-Jun Li.) 2022(."The Metabolic Potential of Endophytic Actinobacteria Associated with Medicinal Plant Thymus roseus as a Plant-Growth Stimulator"Microorganisms 10,no. 9: 1802. Impact Factor 4.5

    10. Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad,Yong-Hong Liu,Li Li,Jin-Biao Ma,Yin Huang,Lei Gao,Bao-Zhu Fang,Shuang Wang,Ashraf F. El-Baz,Hong-Chen Jiang and Wen-Jun Li (2022). Synergistic Plant-Microbe Interactions between Endophytic Actinobacteria and Their Role in Plant Growth Promotion and Biological Control of Cotton under Salt Stress. Microorganisms 9,no. 7: 1448. Impact Factor 4.5.

    11. Bacterial Community Structure and Potential Microbial Coexistence Mechanism Associated with Three Halophytes Adapting to the Extremely Hypersaline Environment (2022). Lei Gao,Yin Huang,Yong-Hong liu,Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad,Xiaorong Fan,Lei Wang,Li Li,Jinbiao Ma. Microorganisms 9,no. 7: 1448. Impact Factor 4.5.

    12. Lian WH,Li S,Lin ZL,Han JR,Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad,Li L,Lin Y,Hozzein WN,Dong L,Li WJ (2022). Sabulibacter ruber gen. nov.,sp. nov.,a novel bacterium in the family Hymenobacteraceae,isolated from desert soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 2022 Feb;72(2). Impact Factor 2.95.

    13. Dong L,Li S,Lian WH,Wei QC,Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad,Hozzein WN,Ahmed I,Li WJ (2022). Sphingomonas arenae sp. nov.,isolated from desert soil. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. 72(1). Impact Factor 2.95.

    14. Gao,Lei,Jinbiao Ma,Yonghong Liu,Yin Huang,Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad,Hongchen Jiang,Dilfuza Egamberdieva,Wenjun Li,and Li Li (2021)."Diversity and Biocontrol Potential of Cultivable Endophytic Bacteria Associated with Halophytes from the West Aral Sea Basin"Microorganisms 9,no. 7: 1448. Impact Factor 4.5.

    15. Dong,Zhou-Yan,Manik Prabhu Narsing Rao,Tian-Jiang Liao,Li Li,Yong-Hong Liu,Min Xiao,Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad,Yue-Ying Tian,and Wen-Jun Li. (2021)"Diversity and function of rhizosphere microorganisms between wild and cultivated medicinal plant Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch under different soil conditions."Archives of Microbiology: 1-9. Impact Factor 1.82.

    16. Chen,D-D.,Fang,B-Z.,Manzoor,Liu,Y-H.,Li,L, Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad,Shu,W-S.,Li,W-J (2021) Revealing the salinity adaptation mechanism in halotolerant bacterium Egicoccus halophilus EGI 80432T by physiological analysis and comparative transcriptomics. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology Impact Factor 3.53.

    17.  Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad*,Ma J-B,Liu Y-H,Zhang D,Hua S,Bhute S,Hedlund BP,Li W-J and Li L (2020) Beneficial Endophytic Bacterial Populations Associated With Medicinal Plant Thymus vulgaris Alleviate Salt Stress and Confer Resistance to Fusarium oxysporum. Frontiers in Plant science. Impact Factor 4.2.

    18.  Zulpiya Musa,Jinbiao Ma,Dilfuza Egamberdieva, Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad*,Yong-Hong Liu,Wen-Jun Li,and Li Li (2020). Diversity and antimicrobial potential of cultivable endophytic actinobacteria associated with medicinal plant Thymus roseus. Frontiers Microbiology,Microbial Symbioses. Impact Factor 4.2

    19.  Liu YH,Fang BZ,Dong ZY,Li L,Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad,Zhang YG,Egamberdieva D,Xiao M,Li WJ (2019). Croceibacterium gen. nov.,with description of Croceibacterium ferulae sp. nov.,an endophytic bacterium isolated from Ferula sinkiangensis K. M. Shen and reclassification of Porphyrobacter mercurialis as Croceibacterium mercuriale comb. nov. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. Impact Factor 2.95

    20. Amira Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamed,Diqi Yang,Shouqin Liu,Pengfei Lin, Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad,Yaping Jin. (2019)"Endoplasmic reticulum stress is involved in lipopolysaccharide‐induced inflammatory response and apoptosis in goat endometrial stromal cells."Molecular reproduction and development. Molecular Reproduction and Development. Impact Factor 3.113

    21. Liu,Yong-Hong,Bao-Zhu Fang,Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad,Yong-Guang Zhang,Jian-Yu Jiao,Zhou-Yan Dong,Min Xiao,Li Li,and Wen-Jun Li (2019) "Nocardioides ferulae sp. nov.,isolated from root of an endangered medicinal plant Ferula songorica Pall. ex Spreng."International journal of systematic and evolutionary microbiology 69,no. 5 (2019):1253-1258. Impact Factor 2.95

    22. Yong-Hong Liu;Yong-Yang Wei; Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad;Nimaichand Salam;Yong-guang Zhang;Jian-Wei Guo;Li Li;Dilfuza Egamberdieva;Wen-Jun L (2019) Diversity,community distribution and growth promotion activities of endophytes associated with halophyte Lycium ruthenicum. 3 Biotech. Impact Factor 1.9

    23. Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad*,Li Li,Jin-Biao Ma, Shaimaa Hatab,Lin Xu,Jian-Wei Guo,Bakhtiyor A. Rasulov,Yong-Hong Liu,Zulpiya Musa,Wen-Jun Li (2018) Evaluations of the Antimicrobial Activity of Endophytic Bacterial Populations from Chinese Traditional Medicinal Plant Licorice and Characterization of the Bioactive Secondary Metabolites Produced by Bacillus atrophaeus against Verticillium dahliae. Frontiers Microbiology,Microbial Symbioses. 9:924. Impact Factor 4.2

    24. Ma,J.,Xiao,X.,Li,L.,Maggio,A.,Zhang,D.,Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad & Yao,Y. (2018). Large-scale de novo transcriptome analysis reveals specific gene expression and novel simple sequence repeats markers in salinized roots of the euhalophyte Salicornia europaea. Acta physiologiae plantarum, 40(8),140.‏ Impact Factor 1.7

    25. Jian Han,Quan-Xiu Gao,Yong-Guang Zhang,Li Li,Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad,Manik Prabhu Narsing Rao,Min Xiao,Dalal Hussien M. Alkhalifah,Yong Tao,Wen-Jun Li. (2018) Transcriptomic and Ectoine Analysis of Halotolerant Nocardiopsis gilva YIM 90087T under Salt Stress. Frontiers Microbiology,Extreme Microbiology.9:618. Impact Factor 4.2

    26. Li Li,Ghenijan Osman,Nimaichand Salam,Osama Abdalla Mohamed. (2018) Limoniibacter endophyticus gen. nov.,sp. nov.,an alphaproteobacterium isolated from the roots of Limonium otolepis. Archives of Microbiology. 200:663-670. Impact Factor 1.7.

    27. Xu,L.,Zhang,Y.,Osama Abdalla Mohamed.,Jiang,C.,& Friman,V. P. (2018). Mesorhizobium zhangyense sp. nov.,isolated from wild Thermopsis lanceolate in northwestern China. Archives of microbiology, 200(4),603-610.‏ Impact Factor 1.8.

    28. Miao,Y. Y.,Shi,S. L.,Zhang,J. G.,& Osama Abdalla Mohamed. (2018). Migration,colonization and seedling growth of rhizobia with matrine treatment in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica,Section B—Soil & Plant Science, 68(1),26-38. Impact Factor 1.0

    29. Li Li#, Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad#, Jin-Biao Ma,Bakhtiyor A. Rasulov,Yan-Gui Su, Yong-Hong Liu,Zulpiya Musa, Brian P. Hedlund,Wen-Jun Li (2017) Synergistic plant-microbe interactions between endophytic bacterial communities and the medicinal plant Glycyrrhiza uralensis F. Antonie Philips van Leeuwenhoek. Impact Factor 1.8

    30. Yonghong Liu,Jianwei Guo,Li Li,Mipeshwaree D. Asem,Yongguang Zhang,Osama Abdalla Mohamad,Nimaichand Salam (2017) Endophytic bacteria associated with endangered plant Ferula sinkiangensis K. M. Shen in an arid land: diversity and plant growth-promoting traits. Journal of Arid Land,9,3,(432-445). Impact Factor 1.8.

    31. Yang-yang Miao,Shang-Li Shi,Jian-guo Zhang,Osama Abdalla Mohamad (2017) Migration,colonization and seedling growth of rhizobia with matrine treatment in alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.). Journal Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica,Section B — Soil & Plant Science. Volume 68,2018 - Issue 1. Impact Factor 0.80.

    32. Rasulov BA,Li L,Liu YH,Osama Abdalla Mohamad,Xiao M,Ma JB,Li WJ (2017) Production,characterization and structural modification of exopolysaccharide-based bioflocculant by Rhizobium radiobacter SZ4S7S14 and media optimization. 3 Biotech. 2017 Jul;7(3):179. Impact Factor 1.36.

    33. Congjuan Li,Xiang Shi,Osama Abdalla Mohamad,Jie Gao,Xinwen Xu,Yijun Xie (2017) Moderate irrigation intervals facilitate establishment of two desert shrubs in the Taklimakan Desert Highway Shelterbelt in China. PLOS one. 12(7):1-17. Impact Factor 2.80.

    34. Yong-Hong Liu,Jian-Wei Guo,Nimaichand Salam,Li Li,Yong-Guang Zhang,Jian Han,Osama Abdalla Mohamad,and Wen-Jun Li (2016) Culturable endophytic bacteria associated with medicinal plant Ferula songorica: molecular phylogeny,distribution and screening for industrially important traits. 6(2):209. Impact Factor 1.36.

    35. Guo,J.-W.,Cheng,J.-S.,Yang,L.-F.,Osama Abdalla Mohamad,Liu,Y.-H.,Wen-Jun Li (2016) First Report of a Leaf Spot Disease Caused by Chaetomium globosum on Pomegranate from Yunnan,China. Plant Disease.100:1,223. Impact Factor 3.02.

    36. Li Li,Jin-Biao Ma,Osama Abdalla Mohamad,Shan-Hui Li,Ghenijan Osman,Yan-Qiong Li,Jian-Wei Guo,Wael N.Hozzein,Wen-Jun Li (2015) Phytoactinopolyspora endophytica gen. nov. sp. nov.,a halotolerans filamentous actinomycete isolated from the roots of Glycyrrhiza uralensis F. International Journal of Systematic and Evolutionary Microbiology. Impact Factor 2.95

    37. Zhaoyu Kong,Osama Abdalla Mohamad,Zhenshan Deng,Ruiping Yang,Xiaodong Liu,Gehong Wei. (2015) Rhizobial symbiosis effect on the growth,metal uptake and antioxidant responses of Medicago lupulina under copper stress. Environmental Science and Pollution Research. Impact Factor 2.757

    38. Bing-Huo Zhang,Wei Chen,Han-Quan Li,En-Min Zhou,Wei-Yao Hu,Yan-Qing Duan,Osama Abdalla Mohamad,Rui Gao,Wen-Jun Li (2015) An antialgal compound produced by Streptomyces jiujiangensis JXJ 0074T. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology. Impact Factor 3.811.

    39. Xu,L.,Osama Abdalla Mohamad.,Ma,Y. S.,Zhang,Y. M.,& Kong,Z. Y. (2015). Phylogenetic diversity on housekeeping and symbiotic genes of rhizobial from Sphaerophysa in China. World Journal of Microbiology and Biotechnology, 31(9),1451-1459.‏ Impact Factor 2.1

    40. Xiaodong Liu,Yantao Luo,Osama Abdalla Mohamed,Dongying Liu and Gehong Wei (2014) Global transcriptome analysis of Mesorhizobium alhagi CCNWXJ12-2 under salt stress. BMC Microbiology 2014,14:319 doi:10.1186/s12866-014-0319-y.  Impact Factor 2.986.

    41. Xiuli Hao#, Osama Abdalla Mohamad#,Pin Xie,Christopher Rensing,Gehong Wei (2013) Removal of zinc from aqueous solution by metal resistant symbiotic bacterium Mesorhizobium amorphae. Separation Science and Technology. 49: 376–387. Impact Factor 1.440

    42. Pin Xie,Xiuli Hao,Osama Abdalla Mohamad,Jianqiang Liang,Gehong  Wei  (2013) Comparative Study of Chromium Biosorption by Mesorhizobium  amorphae StrainCCNWGS0123  in  Single  and  Binary  Mixtures.  Applied Biochemistry and Biotechnology.169(2):570-87. Impact Factor 1.943

    43. Wenjie Hou,Zhanqiang Ma,Zhenxiu Li,Osama Abdalla Mohamad,Gehong Wei (2013) Extracellular polymeric substances from copper-tolerance Sinorhizobium meliloti immobilize Cu 2+. Journal of Hazardous Materials 261 (2013) 614–620. Impact Factor 3.940.

    44. Lin Yangbin,XinYin Wang,BaoPinWang,Osama   Mohamad,Wei   GeHong (2012) Bioaccumulation characterization of zinc and cadmium by Streptomyces zinciresistens,a novel actinomycete. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 77 (0):7-17. Impact Factor 2.3.

    45. Osama Abdalla Mohamad,Hao Xiuli,Xie Pin,Shaimaa Hatab,YangBing Lin,Wei GeHong (2012) Biosorption of Copper (II) from Aqueous Solution Using Non-Living Mesorhizobium Amorphae StrainCCNWGS0123. Microbes and Environment Journal. Vol. 27,No. 3,234–241. Impact Factor 2.9.

    46. Osama Abdalla Mohamad,Shaimaa Reda Hatab,Zhenshan Liu,Zhenxiu Li,Zhaoyu Kong,Gehong Wei (2012) Biosorption and Bioaccumulation of Cu2+ from Aqueous Solution Using Living M.  amorphae Isolated from Mine Tailings.  Mine water and Environment Journal. Volume 31,Issue 4,pp 312-319. Impact Factor 1.05.

    Book Publications:

    47. Osama Abdalla Abdelshafy Mohamad,Jin-Biao Ma,Yong-Hong Liu,Li Li,Shaimaa Hatab,Wen-Jun Li (2020) The Role of Beneficial Microbes Associated with Medicinal Plant on agriculture sustainability to Alleviate Climatic Stresses by Stimulating Plant Growth and Protection. Springer Book

    48. Osama Abdalla Mohamad,LiLi,Bakhtiyor A. Rasulov,Zulpiya Musa,Shaimaa Hatab,Wen-Jun Li. (2018) Halophilic Actinobacteria Biological Activity and Potential Applications. Springer Book

    49. Osama Mohamad,Wei GeHong (2013). Biosorption and bioaccumulation of Cu (II) from aqueous solution: using Mesorhizobium amorphae strainCCNWGS0123 isolated from mine tailing. LAPLAMBERTAcademic Publishing;ISBN-10: 3659224227;ISBN-13: 978-3659224225.

    Website:                                    http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Dr_Osama_Mohamad/-http://www.scopus.com/authid/detail.url?authorId=53064254100 

    http://orcid.org/0000-0002-2234-8273                             https://loop.frontiersin.org/people/392264/overview 




  • Chinese Government Friendship Award 2024.

    Tian Shan Award of Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region,2021.

    Chinese Academy of Science International Cooperation Award for Talent Young Scientist,2019.

    The Excellent Foreign Expert of Xinjiang Branch,Chinese Academy Of Science,2018.

    Award Honor Certificate for great Contribution to the international Collaboration in One Belt One Road Initiated”from Xinjiang Institute of Ecology& Geography,CAS,2018.

    President Fellowship for 2 years;Chinese Academy of Sciences,(CAS),2017.

    Talent Young Scientific Position for 2 years funded by the Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST),China,2015.

    Great Contribution to the International Collaboration in “One Belt& One Road Initiated”

    Science Diplomacy Programme “ Diplomazia” position for 11 months