2013.01-2017.06 瑞典皇家理工学院 博士(生物技术)
2009.09-2012.06 武汉理工大学 硕士(环境科学)
2024.03-今,中国科学院新疆生态与地理研究所, 副研究员(环境与健康,宏基因组学)
2021.09-2024.02,瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院, 专职研究员(永久职),(生物信息学,微生物组转化医学)
2017.09-2021.09,瑞典卡罗林斯卡医学院, 博士后研究员(生物信息学,微生物组转化医学)
2017.04-2017.08,瑞典国家生命科学实验室SciLifeLab,卡罗林斯卡医学院, 科研助理(生物信息学,微生物组转化医学)
微生物生态学,微生物组学,生物信息学, 环境与健康, 微生物组转化医学
1. 国家级人才项目(青年类),《新疆典型矿区重金属污染驱动的抗性基因选择、传播与健康效应研究》,2015.1-2017.12,300万元,主持
2. 上海合作组织自治区专项,《基于微生物组学的新疆海产养殖可持续发展技术研究》,2015.1-2017.12,50万元,主持
3. 瑞典科研委员会,使用多组学预测牙周病诊断及治疗的微生物标志物2018-2021,480万瑞典克朗,主要参与
4. 瑞典策略研究基金会,人体微生物组与HPV相关癌症的研究(400万瑞典克朗),2017-2021,主要参与
5. 瑞典创新机构,从问题到产品-用微藻收集营养(375.7万瑞典克朗),2017-2021,主要参与
6. 欧盟与瑞典研究理事会联合项目,波罗的海的生态群落的基因图谱(390万欧元),2014-2018,主要参与
1. Yue O. O. Hu,Luisa W. Hugerth,Carina Bengtsson,Arlisa Alisjahbana,Maike Seifert,Anaga Kamal,Åsa Sjöling,Tore Midtvedt,Elisabeth Norin,Juan Du*,Lars Engstrand*,“Bacteriophages synergize with the gut microbial community to combat Salmonella” mSystems 0019-18 (2018)
2. Yue O. O. Hu,Bengt Karlson,Sophie Charvet and Anders F. Andersson*,“Diversity of pico- to mesoplankton along the 2000km salinity gradient of the Baltic”,Frontiers in Microbiology 7,679, (2016)
3. Yue O. O. Hu, Nelson Ndegwa, Johannes Alneberg, Sebastian Johansson, Jürg B. Logue, Mikael Huss, Max Käller, Joakim Lundeberg, Jens Fagerberg, Anders F. Andersson*, “Stationary and portable sequencing-based approaches for tracing sewer contamination in urban stormwater systems”, Scientific Reports 8 (1), 11907, (2018)
4. Liqin Cheng#, Johanna Norenhag#, Yue O. O. Hu#, Nele Brusselaers, Emma Fransson, Andreas Ährlund-Richter, Unnur Guðnadótti, Pia Angelidou, Yinghua Zha, Marica Hamsten, Ina Schuppe-Koistinen, Matts Olovsson, Lars Engstrand, Juan Du*, “Vaginal microbiota and human papillomavirus infection among young Swedish women” npj Biofilms and Microbiomes (2020) 6:39
5. Lorenza Ferro#, Yue O. O. Hu#, Francesco G. Gentili, Anders F. Andersson, Christiane Funk*, “DNA metabarcoding reveals microbial population dynamics in a microalgae-based municipal wastewater treatment photobioreactor”, Algal Research 51 (2020) 102043
6. Erik Paulshus, Patricia Colque, Inger Kühn, Tamanna Tauhid, Yue OO Hu, Yingshun Zhou, Kaisa Thorell, Roland Möllby, Henning Sørum, Åsa Sjöling, Enrique Joffré, Escherichia coli ST2797 is abundant in wastewater and might Be a novel emerging extended-spectrum beta-lactamase E. coli, Microbiology Spectrum, e04486-22 (2023)
7. Narayanan Narayanan, Birgitta Söder, Jukka Meurman, Anna Lundmark, Yue O. O. Hu, Ujjwal Neogi, Tulay Yucel-Lindberg, Composition of subgingival microbiota associated with periodontitis and diagnosis of malignancy—a cross-sectional study. Front. Microbiol. 14:1172340, (2023)
8. Annika Frede#, Paulo Czarnewski#, Gustavo Monasterio#, Kumar P Tripathi, David A Bejarano, Ricardo O Ramirez Flores, Chiara Sorini, Ludvig Larsson, Xinxin Luo, Laura Geerlings, Claudio Novella-Rausell, Chiara Zagami, Raoul Kuiper, Rodrigo A Morales, Francisca Castillo, Matthew Hunt, Livia Lacerda Mariano, Yue O. O. Hu, Camilla Engblom, Ana-Maria Lennon-Duménil, Romy Mittenzwei, Astrid M Westendorf, Nadine Hövelmeyer, Joakim Lundeberg, Julio Saez-Rodriguez, Andreas Schlitzer, Srustidhar Das, Eduardo J Villablanca*, “B cell expansion hinders the stroma-epithelium regenerative cross talk during mucosal healing”, Immunity, 2336-2351. e12, (2022)
9. Kaja Eriksson, Anna Lundmark, Luis F Delgado, Yue O. O. Hu, Guozhong Fei, Linkiat Lee, Carina Fei, Anca I Catrina, Leif Jansson, Anders F Andersson, Tülay Yucel-Lindberg*, “Salivary Microbiota and Host-Inflammatory Responses in Periodontitis Affected Individuals with and without Rheumatoid Arthritis”, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 12, 841139, (2022)
10. Jessica Guzman-Otazo, Enrique Joffre*, Jorge Agramont, Nataniel Mamani, Jekaterina Jutkina, Fredrik Boulund, Yue O. O. Hu, Daphne Jumilla-Lorenz, Anne Farewell, D.J. Joakim Larsson, Carl-Fredrik Flach, Volga Iniguez, Åsa Sjöling*, “Conjjugative transfer of multi-drug resistance genetic elements from environmental water borne bacteria to Escherichia coli”, Frontiers in Microbiology 13:997849 (2022)
11. Sara M. Parigi, Srustidhar Das, Annika Frede, Rebeca Cardoso, Cristian Doñas, Kumar Parijat Tripathi, Yue O. O. Hu, Per Antonson, Lars Engstrand, Jan-Ake Gustafsson, Eduardo J. Villablanca*, “Liver X Receptor regulates Th17 and RORgt+ Treg cells by distinct mechanisms”, Mucosal Immunology 14, 411-419, (2021)
12. Wenpei Shi, Yi Hu, Zhu Ning, Fan Xia, Meiying Wu, Yue O. O. Hu, Cheng Chen, Stefanie Prast-Nielsen, Biao Xu*, “Alterations of gut microbiota in patients with active pulmonary tuberculosis in China - a pilot study”, International Journal of Infectious Diseases 111, 313-321, (2021)
13. Anna Lundmark*, Yue O. O. Hu, Mikael Huss, Gunnar Johanssen, Anders F. Andersson, Tülay Yucel-Linderg*, “Identification of salivary microbiota and its association with host inflammatory mediators in periodontitis”, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology 9,216 (2019)
14. Kaja Eriksson*, Guozhong Fei, Anna Lundmark, Daniel Benchimol, Linkiat Lee, Yue O. O. Hu, Anna Kats, Saedis Saevarsdottir, Anca I. Catrina, Björn Klinge, Anders F. Andersson, Lars Klareskog, Karin Lundberg, Leif Jansson, Tülay Yucel-Lindberg*, “Periodontal health and oral microbiota in patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis”, Journal of Clinical Medicine 8(5) (2019):630
15. Andreas Ährlund-Richter, Liqin Cheng, Yue O. O. Hu, Mikaela Svensson, Alexandra Al. L. Pennhag, Ramona G. Ursu, Linnea Haeggblom, Nathalie Grun, Torbjörn Ramqvist, Lars Engstrand, Tina Dalianis*, Juan Du*, “Changes the past decade after the introduction of the human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccine in cervical HPV prevalence at a youth clinic in Stockholm, Sweden”, Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology (2019), 9, 216
16. Johanna Sundin, Imran Aziz, Sofia Nordlander, Annikka Polster, Yue O. O. Hu, Luisa W. Hugerth, Alexandra AL Pennhag, Lars Engstrand, Hans Törnblom, Magnus Simrén*, Lena Öhman*, “Evidence of altered mucosa-associated and fecal bacteria composition, but not small intestinal bacterial overgrowth, in patients with Irritable Bowel Syndrome”, Scientific Reports 10 (1), 593, (2019)
17. Wenpei Shi, Yi Hu, Xubin Zheng, Zhu Ning, Meiying Wu, Fan Xia, Stefanie Prast-Nielsen, Yue O. O. Hu, Biao Xu*, “Longitudinal profiling of gut microbiome among tuberculosis patients under anti-tuberculosis treatment in China: protocol of a prospective cohort study”, BMC Pulmonary Medicine, 19, 1-9, (2019)
18. Sepideh Lamei, Yue O. O. Hu, Tobias C. Olofsson, Anders F. Andersson, Eva Forsgren, Alejandra Vásquez*, “Improvement of identification methods for honeybee specific Lactic Acid Bacteria; future approaches”, PLoS ONE. 12.3 (2017): e0174614
19. Markus V. Lindh, Johanna Sjöstedt, Börje Ekstam, Michele Casini, Daniel Lundin, Luisa W. Hugerth, Yue O. O. Hu, Anders F. Andersson, Agneta Andersson, Catherine Legrand, Jarone Pinhassi*, “Metapopulation theory identifies biogeographical patterns among core and satellite marine bacteria scaling from tens to thousands of kilometers”, Environmental Microbiology, 19 (3), 1222-1236, (2016)
20. Xiaoyun Zhu, Yitian Shen, Xiaoguo Chen*, Yue O. O. Hu, Huiyi Xiang, Jia Tao, Yun Ling, “Biodegradation mechanism of microcystin-LR by a novel isolate of Rhizobium sp. TH and the evolutionary origin of the mlrA gene”, International Biodeterioration & Biodegradation 115 (2016): 17-25
21. Luisa W. Hugerth, Emilie E.L. Muller, Yue O. O. Hu, Laura A.M. Lebrun, Hugo Roume, Daniel Lundin, Paul Wilmes, Anders F. Andersson*, “Systematic design of 18S rRNA gene primers for determining eukaryotic diversity in microbial consortia”, PLoS ONE 9.4 (2014): e95567
22. Xiaoguo Chen*, Huiyi Xiang, Yue Hu, Yang Zhang, Liao Ouyang, Meiying Gao*, “Fates of Microcystis aeruginosa cells and associated microcystins in sediment and the effect of coagulation process on them”, Toxins 6.1 (2013): 152-167