担任Geoderma、Catena、Science of the Total Environment、Journal of Cleaner Production、Scientific Reports等期刊审稿人。
(1) 新疆自治区“天池英才”引进计划青年博士项目, 2024-2027,主持
(2) 中国科学新疆生态与地理研究所自主部署项目,2024-2027,主持
(3) 国家自然课科学基金青年科学基金项目:土壤无机碳对覆膜和免耕-覆膜交互处理下水热调控的响应机制,2024-2026,主持
(4) 云南省重点实验室开放基金:陆地碳循环与全球变化,2024-2025,主持
1. Xiujun Wang,Haonan Zheng,LiPeng Wu,XiaoDong Ding,Tongping Lu. Responses of soil organic and inorganic carbon to organic and phosphorus fertilization in a saline−alkaline paddy field. Geoscience Letters,2023,10:15.
2. LiPeng Wu,KaiJing Zhang,Xingyu Zhu,Tonging Lu,Xiujun Wang. Effects of amendments on carbon and nitrogen fractions in agricultural soils of Yellow River Delta. Geoscience Letters,2023,10:22.
3. Ying Deng,Xuhui Wang,Tongping Lu,Haochun Du,Philippe Ciais,Xin Lin. Divergent seasonal responses of carbon fluxes to extreme droughts over China. Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2023, 328:109253.
4. Xiujun Wang; Zhu zhu, Ni Huang, Tongping Lu, Xiaodong Ding. Impacts of biochar amendment and straw incorporation on soil heterotrophic respiration and desorption of soil organic carbon. Geoscience Letters, 2023, 10:38.
5. Tongping Lu, Xiujun Wang, Zhangliu Du, Lipeng Wu. Impacts of continuous biochar application on major carbon fractions in soil profile of North China Plain’s cropland: in comparison with straw incorporation. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment, 2021,315,107445.
6. Tongping Lu, Xiujun Wang, Wenxi Zhang. Total of soil organic and inorganic carbon and their relationships in typical loess cropland of Fengu Basin. Geoscience Letters, 2020, 7:17.
7. Tongping Lu, Xiujun Wang, Minggang Xu, Zhitong Yu, Yongming Luo, Pete Smith. Dynamics of pedogenic carbonate in the cropland of the North China Plain: Influences of intensive cropping and salinization. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment,2020, 292, 106820.
8. Wenxi Zhang, Xiujun Wang, Tongping Lu, Huijin Shi, Yuanjie Zhao. Influences of soil properties and hydrological processes on soil carbon dynamics in the cropland of North China Plain. Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment,2020, 295, 106886.
9. Kaijing Zhang, Xiujun Wang, Lipeng Wu, Tongping Lu, Yang Guo. Impacts of salinity on the stability of soil organic carbon in the cropland of Yellow River Delta. Land Degradation & Development, 2020,1-10.
10. Niu Jie, Lu Tongping, Lin Yongjing, Zhang Wenxiang. Effects of nitrogen addition on the Characteristics of foliar and soil ecological stoichiometry in Xishuangbanna tropical rainforest, Southwest China. Journal of Tropical Forest Science, 2020, 32(1): 1-7.
11. Tongping Lu, Wenxiang Zhang, Jie Niu, Zhengtao Shi, Yongjing Lin, Mengjuan Wu, Lianxiao Wang. The vertical characteristics of soil carbon and nitrogen at different rubber plantation ages in Xishuangbanna, Southwest China. Fresenius Environmental Bulletin, 2017, 26(2): 1431-1439.
12. 马顺荣,林永静,卢同平,武梦娟,刘甜甜,张文翔. 外源磷添加对西双版纳热带雨林土壤生态化学计量特征的影响. 生态学杂志,2020,39(10):3194-3202.
13. 郑昊楠, 王秀君, 万忠梅, 卢同平,石慧瑾,李娟茹. 华北地区典型农田土壤肥力和养分空间分布的异质性. 中国土壤与肥料, 2019,01:55-61.
14. 卢同平, 王艳飞, 王黎明, 林永静,武梦娟,张文翔,牛洁. 西双版纳热带雨林土壤与叶片生态化学计量特征的干湿度效应. 生态学报, 2018, 38(7): 2333-2343.
15. 林永静, 武梦娟, 卢同平, 张文翔,牛洁. 中国生态化学计量学研究热点的可视化分析. 生物学杂志, 2018, 35(02),63-66.
16. 卢同平, 张文翔, 牛洁, 林永静,武梦娟. 自然带和海拔梯度下不同植物生活型土壤氮磷化学计量的空间变异性. 土壤学报, 2017, 54(3): 682-692.
17. 卢同平, 张文翔, 武梦娟, 林永静. 干湿度梯度及植物生活型对土壤氮磷空间特征影响研究. 土壤, 2017,49(2): 364-370.
18. 卢同平, 张文翔, 牛洁, 林永静,武梦娟. 西双版纳不同森林类型凋落叶与土壤碳氮变化研究, 热带作物学报, 2016,37(8):1526-1533.
19. 卢同平, 史正涛, 牛洁, 张文翔. 我国陆生生态化学计量学应用研究进展, 土壤,2016,48(1): 29-35.
1. 姚檀栋主编,第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究丛书,青藏高原重要生态安全屏障功能评估—格局与关键功能, 科学出版社,2024.
2. 王秀君主编,黄渤海及其海岸带碳循环过程与调控机制,科学出版社, 2019.
3. Xiujun Wang Editor, Carbon Cycle in the Changing Arid Land of China, Springer Earth System Sciences, Springer, 2018.