来华留学申请类别(请选择) Student Category(Please Check) |
¨硕士研究生/Master Student |
¨博士研究生/Ph.D.Student |
¨普通进修生/Regular Visiting Student |
¨高级进修生/Senior Visiting Student |
中国科学院研究生院外事与留学生办公室 中国北京玉泉路19号(甲),邮政编码:100039 Foreign Affairs and International Students Office, Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sicences, Yuquan Road 19A, Beijing 100039, P.R.China Tel: 86-10-88258072 Fax: 86-10-88258052 Email:faiso@gscas.ac.cn http://www.gscas.ac.cn
外 国 留 学 生 入 学 申 请 表
![]() |
1. 护照用名/Full legal name
2. 中文姓名/Chinese name 3. 国籍/Country of citizenship
4. 护照号码/Passport No. 5. 性别/Sex : ¨ 男/Male ¨ 女/Female
6. 婚姻状况/Marital status 7. 宗教/Religion
8. 出生日期(年/月/日)/Date of birth(y/m/d) / / 9. 出生地点/Place of birth
10. 永久通讯地址/Permanent address
11. 目前通讯地址/Current mail address if different from permanent address
12. 在华学习单位、专业/ Research field and institute in which I wish to study
13. 学习期限/Duration of study
自/From 年/Year 月/Month 至/ To 年/Year 月/Month
14. 本人最高学历/Highest educational level
校名/Institution 地点/Location 专业/Major 起止时间/Date(from__to__) 所获学位/Degree Awarded
15. 本人工作经历(从当前工作开始,如空格不够,请附另页)/Working experience (Starting from current position, use additional sheet if needed)
工作单位/Employer Name 地点/Location 起止时间/Date(from__to__) 职位/Position
16. 语言熟悉程度(很好 / 好 / 一般 / 初级)/Language proficiency (Excellent/Good/Fair/Elementary)
语言/Language 读/Reading 写/Writing 听/Listening 说/Speaking
17. 学位论文和曾发表的主要学术论文(如空格不够,请附另页)/ Degree thesis and major publications(Use additional sheet if needed)
18. 学习或研究的详细计划(如空格不够,请附另页)Detailed study or research plan at GSCAS(Use additional sheet if needed)
19. 推荐人/References
1) 姓名/Full Name 工作单位/Organization
职称/Title 地址及电话号码/Address & Tel
2) 姓名/Full Name 工作单位/Organization
职称/Title 地址及电话号码/Address & Tel
20.奖学金申请及其它资助来源(请选择)/Scholarship application and other sources of financial support (Please check )
□ 本人希望申请的研究生院奖学金为(请选择)/The GSCAS scholarship I wish to apply for (Please check)
全额奖学金/Full Scholarship □
部分奖学金/Partial Scholarship (Tuition □ ; Housing □ ; Living stipend □ )
□ 如有其它机构资助,请具体说明 /If funded by other organization, please specify
21. 经济担保人姓名/Financial sponsor’s name
工作单位/Organization 职业/Occupation
地址及电话号码/Address & Tel
22.其他需要说明的问题/Other relevant information you wish to supply
申请人保证:/I hereby affirm:
1. 上述情况真实无误。/ I have reviewed the above information, and it is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
2. 在中国学习期间遵守中国政府的法律和研究生院的规章制度。/ I shall abide by the laws of the Chinese government and the regulations of the GSCAS.
申请人签字/Signature 日期/Date
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Do not write bellow this line
培养单位意见: | |
研究生录取 |
□同意 / □不同意 |
负责人签字: 年月日
| |
负责人签字: 年月日
| |
注意事项/Important Notes:
1. 请申请人用中文或英文填写,其他文字或缺项的申请表无效;需在本表相应框内做出选择的地方,请用符号“P”表示。/ This form is to be completed by the applicant in Chinese or English only. Any incomplete application or application completed in languages other than Chinese or English will be invalid; Please use “P” to check the box in the relevant items to indicate your selection.
2.拟申请研究生院奖学金者,请填写《中国科学院研究生院外国留学生奖学金申请表》。/For those applying for GSCAS scholarship, please fill out the Application Form for GSCAS Scholarship.
全额奖学金:/Full Scholarship: 学费/Tuition、住宿费/Housing、 生活费补贴/Living stipend; 部分奖学金:/Partial Scholarship: 全额奖学金中的一项或几项。/One or more items of full scholarship.
3. 报名费:申请人在递交申请时须同时交纳报名费,否则本次申请无效。
Application fee: An application is not considered complete until the fee has been paid.
For Ph.D. and Master students: RMB¥600 or US$70
For visiting students and senior visiting students: RMB¥450 or US$55
(1) 在中国境内的申请者,须将报名费(人民币)汇至以下银行帐户(请注明此款为报名费):
For applicants currently in mainland China, payments must be made in Chinese currency by sending money directly to the following bank account (Please make sure to specify the money is for your application fee):
户 名:中国科学院研究生院
帐 号:0200004909008804791
开 户行:中国工商银行北京市翠微路支行永定路分理处
地 址:太平路44 B
Account Name: Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences
Account Number: 0200004909008804791
Bank Name and Branch: Industrial and Commercial Bank of China Yong Ding Road Office
Beijing Municipal Branch Cui Wei Road Subbranch China
Address: Taiping Road 44B
Zip Code: 100039
(2) 在中国境外的申请者,须将报名费(美元)通过个人支票或汇票或旅行支票随本人申请表寄至中国科学院研究生院(请注明此款为报名费)/For applicants outside mainland China, payments must be made in US dollar in the form of personal check or money order or travelers check attached to the application form, payable to Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences.
4. 申请者在提交本申请表时,须连同以下材料寄至中国科学院研究生院外事与留学生办公室(地址:中国北京市石景山区玉泉路19(A), 邮政编码:100039)/The applicant should send the application form and all the following materials to: Foreign Affairs and International Students Office, Graduate School of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Yuquan Road 19 (A), Beijing, China, Zip Code: 100039
(1) 报名费(不退还)/Application fee(non-refundable);
(2) 最高学位证书公证件/ Degree certificate of the most advanced studies (notarized photocopy);
(3) 大学本科或研究生学习成绩单原件或公证件/ Transcripts of your undergraduate or graduate study (original or notarized photocopy/photocopies);
(4) 两名副教授(或相当职称)以上学者的书面推荐信(原件)/ Two letters of recommendation from your instructor at least at associate professor level or other person familiar with your activities with equivalent academic achievement(original);
(5) 个人简历/Curriculum vitae;
(6) 由担保人出具的附有银行证明(原件或公证件)的经济担保书/A financial support statement by your sponsor along with bank statements(original or notarized photocopy/photocopies).
(7) 《中国科学院研究生院外国留学生奖学金申请表》/Application Form for GSCAS Scholarship.