(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,绿洲荒漠过渡带典型灌丛的地下水依赖性及其存续前景(32171874),2022-2025年,58万元;
(2) 天山青年计划优秀青年科技人才项目,荒漠植物水分利用策略与碳分配权衡(2020Q025),2021-2023年,12万元;
(3) 自治区重大林果专项,核桃丰产优质省力化栽培综合配套技术“核桃空壳形成机理及调控研究”(2021A02002-2),2022年-2024年,42万;
(4) 地方自然科学基金,地下水埋深变化对梭梭水力性状的影响及其水分策略(2019D01A98),2019.05-2022.04,7万元;
(5) 国家自然科学基金委员会新疆联合基金培育项目,两种梭梭属植物在极端干旱时的存活与死亡及其对相应群落的影响(U1603105),2016/01-2019/12,55万元;
(6) 西部之光人才培养计划西部博士专项,梭梭与白梭梭萌发定居与水分响应特征的对比研究(XBBS201001),2011/01-2013/12,40万元;
(7) 国家自然科学基金面上项目,准噶尔盆地梭梭与白梭梭空间分布差异的成因研究(40971042),20010/01-2012/12,45万元;
(1) Xu Gui-Qing,Jinyao,L.,Haifang,H.,& Tuqiang,C. (2024). Effect of deficit irrigation on physiological,morphological and fruit quality traits of six walnut tree cultivars in the inland area of Central Asia. Scientia Horticulturae,329,112951.
(2) Liu S.,Xu Gui-Qing *,T. Chen,et al.,(2023). Quantifying the effects of precipitation exclusion and groundwater drawdown on functional traits of Haloxylon ammodendron — How does this xeric shrub survive the drought?Science of the Total Environment,904,166945
(3) Xu Gui-Qing,Tu-Qiang Chen,Shen-Si Liu,Jie Ma,Yan Li (2023). Within-crown plasticity of hydraulic properties influence branch dieback patterns of two woody plants under experimental drought conditions. Science of the Total Environment 854,158802.
(4) Xu Gui-Qing,Gaurav S. Kandlikar,Marcel Carita Vaz. Evolutionary lability underlies drought adaptation of Australian shrubs along aridity gradients (2022). Frontiers in plant science 13.949531
(5) Xu Gui-Qing,Claire Farrell,Stefan K. Arndt. (2022) Climate of origin has no influence on drought adaptive traits and the drought responses of a widely distributed polymorphic shrub. Tree Physiology,42(1),86-98.
(6) Xu Guiqing,Mi Xiaojun,Majian,Majie,Tang Li-Song. (2021). Impact of groundwater depth on hydraulic performance and growth of Haloxylon ammodendron in a desert region of central Asia. Ecohydrology,15(5),e2394.
(7) Xu Gui-Qing,Yu Dandan,Li Yan. (2017). Patterns of biomass allocation in Haloxylon persicum woodlands and their understory herbaceous layer along a groundwater depth gradient. Forest Ecology and Management 395 37–47
(8) Xu Gui-Qing,Mcdowell N.G.,Li Y. (2016),A possible link between life and death of a xeric tree in desert. Journal of plant physiology, 194:35-44
(9) Xu Gui-Qing,Liyan.,Xuhao (2011). Seasonal variation in plant hydraulic traits of two co-occurring desert shrubs,Tamarix ramosissima and Haloxylon ammodendron,with different rooting patterns. Ecological Research 26(6):1071-1080.
(10) Xu Gui-Qing and Li Yan (2008). Rooting depth and leaf hydraulic conductance in the xeric shrub Haloxyolon ammodendron growing at sites of contrasting soil texture. Functional plant biology 35(12):1234-1242
(1) 陈图强,徐贵青*,刘深思,李彦. 干旱胁迫下梭梭水力性状调整与非结构性碳水化合物动态. 植物生态学报,2023,47(10):1407-1421.
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(6) 刘深思,徐贵青*,李彦,吴雪,刘杰,米晓军.5种沙地灌木对地下水埋深变化响应的差异性和一致性研究.生态学报,2021,41(2):615-625.
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